The Sacrifice (Zion AU)

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I found time this week. But my idea was shortened because I'm demotivated.

Anyway, can you name something interesting about yourself?


Zion stood within the stained and deteriorated stone walkway leading into the lone estate before him. A shudder in his shoulders as though ice had coiled around his body, but a solemn look of understanding displayed across his attractive features.

His eyes of pure electrums were affixed on one place; the grand manor at the edge of a cliff that stood intimidatingly like a tyrant queen above the sea of trees, as he knew that the answers he searched for was somewhere behind one of its dozens of rooms.

He wanted to validate it. To confront it

And the awareness of how the confirmation of this suspicion might forever change his life was expressed by the way his cold hands balled tightly into fists.

He sighed through gritted teeth as he made his way through - his hands guiding his jacket tightly over his tensed frame in an attempt to gain more protection against the rapidly dropping temperature of early winter, but somewhat failing as another shiver ran down his spine.

The violent winds lashed frigidly against everything in its path as the late afternoon sun finally sank into the horizon to make room for the dark evening. And as it disappeared well into the horizon, it took with it the remaining semblance of a normal day, leaving the expanse with a ghoulish air that was only heightened by the cast of silver stream from the full moon.

It was enough to send any man away.

An old manor cloaked in dark history and death, and which was subject to a blood chilling urban legend stating how it never gives up its dead.

Who would be brazen enough to want to explore its walls?

But Zion braced himself and remained unfettered as he made his way through the passageway. His footfalls against the stoned path the only audible sound apart from his levelled breathing and the strike of wind.

There was no sound of life anywhere. No humming and bustling of nighttime creatures. No songs of crickets or owls. And no movements in the trees save for the rustling of dried leaves against the breeze.

It was as though the region was empty and the land was dead.

And as he neared his destination, more noticeable features of the expanse became apparent.

Weeds and mold peaking through the cracks of decaying ledges and columns. Blood red roses growing in plentiful batches around the rusted gate. And twisted thick vines creeping about the side of the manor all the way to its shingled roof.

It was a place fit for the elites of the supernatural.

"God damn it." Zion muttered as he left the protection of the walkway and treaded over the entrance of the property, his narrowed eyes scanning the finely crafted wood of the elegant double door entranceway and the well-embellished tall windows for a possible means of access.

But they were all sealed shut; unmoving and silent despite the pressure of his push as though they were mere decorations on the wall.

It frustrated the young man so much that a dark frown was soon to fall over his face.

"Damn it, move! I need to get in-!"

"Aww... Then why don't I help you, my dear?"

His words were almost cut off by an oddly familiar feminine voice speaking from behind. It was soft and flirty and surprisingly close that he felt her breath brush gently against his nape.

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