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Tony POV

Fury and I parted ways after leaving the interrogation room. I walked into the room next door and saw that Natasha, Point Break, and Capsicle were already in there. I guess Banner thought that figuring out the tesseract was more important than figuring out who broke into my tower. The audacity of that man. I noticed that (y/n) stood in front of the mirror, seeming to smile directly at Steve.

"Why do I feel as if she can see us?" Thor asked.

"No, it's impossible. She can't see or hear a thing." Steve explained to the Asgardian.

To try to prove his point, he leaned forward. Much to everyone's surprise, (y/n) leaned forward as well. Steve moved his finger to the left and (y/n) followed it. Needless to say, everyone was shocked.

"That's just weird," Steve said.

"Then she is as she claims? A seer?" Thor asked.

"Nope," I spoke up for the first time. "There are no such things as psychics."

"There was no hesitation in her answers, her voice stayed steady the entire time and she gave no subconscious indication that she was lying." Natasha pointed out.

"Then you, my dear master assassin, are having what is known as an off day. You must have missed the indicator because, as I said before, psychics aren't real."

Before I knew it, Natasha was behind me and holding a knife to my throat.

"Still think I'm having an 'off day'?" She questioned.

Thankfully, Fury stepped into the room, saving me from having to admit that I was wrong.

"Mr. Stark, I can assure you that Agent Romanoff is not having an off day," with that, he dropped a file onto the table.

"What's this?" Cap asked, looking through the files.

"Personal records," was Fury's short answer. "Records showing ownership of an agency called 'Psych', records of cases that Psych has solved, and records from the Santa Barbara Police Department showing cases that Psych helped solve."

"Says here that she's solved over a hundred cases," Cap added.

I grabbed the files and looked through them myself. Sure enough, there was an entire page showing just some of the cases that she solved. I flipped to the next page and couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"What is it, Stark?" Natasha asked, using her spy-ness? to get a read on me.

"This says that her IQ is 187. That means that she's profoundly gifted." I told them. "Not nearly as gifted as me, but more than you would think."

"So we could indeed use her help." Thor decided. "If she is able to figure out my brother's plan and is as smart as the man of iron says she is, she would be of great use to us."

"What are you thinking, Director?" Natasha asked Fury.

"I'm thinking SHIELD just got some new recruits." Fury said as he walked out of the room.

I looked back through the two-way mirror. Those two were now playing a game of eye spy, acting as if nothing about their situation bothered them. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the thought of them becoming SHIELD agents.

(Y/n) POV

"I spy with my little eye something grey," Gus said, continuing our very limited game of eye spy.

"For the fourth and hopefully final time, the chair," I answered.

There were not many other colors for Gus and me to choose from. It's like Patchy doesn't know any colors other than any variants of black. Thus, making this game very boring. Good thing I'm awesome and know how to make any situation a hundred times better.

"I spy with my third eye something black," I said.

"The door," Gus answered.


"The SHIELD logo."


"The shadow of the table?"

"Three strikes," I told him.

"I swear if your answer is my skin..."

"Of course not," I said in disbelief.

The door opened and Patchy walked in with two others.

"It was Patchy's eyepatch," I revealed.

"That's not fair. You couldn't see that." Gus argued.

"I told you that I spied it with my third eye." I defended myself.

"You cheated."

"Don't think of it like that. Think of it as me using my resources."

"Your resources..."

The man beside Patchy cleared his throat, stopping Gus' petty arguments. Therefore, I got in the last word. Therefore, I'm the winner. Therefore, ha! Therefore, in your face, Gus!

"Ms. Spencer, Mr. Guster, meet agents Phil Coulson and Maria Hill." Patchy introduced.

"(Y/n) Spencer." I greeted the two.

"Burton Guster, but my friends call me The G." Gus said, obviously trying to impress Maria.

"That's funny; I thought they called you Big Head Burton." I shot him down.


"We are here to recruit you," Patchy spoke up, stopping yet another argument between Gus and me. "SHIELD wants to hire you as a consultant."

"What about Gus? We're a package deal." I informed them.

"Of course. Mr. Guster would also be hired as a consultant." Patchy answered. "We need all the help we can get right now."

"Right away Mr. Patchy sir," I said, giving a salute. "Why don't you just grab us a couple of these costumes and we'll get it over with."

"They are uniforms." Agent Hill spoke up.

"I've heard it both ways." 

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