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A resounding boom marked the arrival of the Chitauri. The building shook, causing the elevator, that I was currently in, to flicker. Luckily for me, Stark's technology held up long enough to reach the lobby. Upon opening the elevator door, I saw people running and looking for any kind of shelter. One person definitely caught my eye. Desperately trying to curl his body under a very small table was Gus.

"Really dude?" I asked.

"I'm not taking any chances, (y/n)."

Out of the window, I saw cars exploding, worsening the already damaged road.

"Well, there goes that plan," I whispered to myself.

"What plan?" Gus asked.

"I was gonna get the key for the Blueberry and go back to our place. I need to get something from there."

"That's not happening," Gus said.

"I know. Which means that my plan is just gonna take longer; I have to walk."

"You must be outta your damn mind!"

Another boom caused the building to shake again. Gus instantly curled more into himself. Seeing this as my chance to escape without more arguing, I ran out the front doors of Stark Tower.

The streets were an absolute mess. People and Chitauri were everywhere. The heroes were trying their best to protect everyone, but there were too many enemies. They were all too busy to notice a child that was being followed by one of these fugly things. Without hesitation, I ran toward the girl.

"Hey!" I called out, trying to get fugly's attention away from the kid. "Fugly!"

Fugly stopped following the girl and turned to face me. The kid ran to a cop, who took her somewhere I hope was safe. Now the only problem was that I was face to face with fugly and I didn't have a weapon.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" I shouted at it.

Fugly began to approach me, making my fight or flight start to kick in.

"Like, maybe Cap or Thor," I added. "Not me. I'm smaller than you."

Fugly took another step towards me. That was all it took to get me to run. I headed toward the group of heroes, knowing they would help and would possibly have a weapon for me to take. Fugly shot an energy beam that, luckily, didn't hit me, but, unluckily, sent me crashing into an overturned car. As Fugly got closer, I started to realize that I maybe shouldn't have come out here without a weapon of some sort. I frantically started looking around for something to kill this thing with. I grabbed a piece of broken glass and jabbed blindly at Fugly, hoping to hit something he needed to stay alive. I was able to stab Fugly in the arm, making him drop his weapon and yell out. Thankfully, the team heard the scream and was notified of my position. Before Fugly could pick his weapon back up, he dropped dead. I looked up and saw Natasha and the now reformed Agent Barton rushing towards me.

"The hell are you doing out here?" She asked.

"Fugly here was chasing a kid and you all were busy, so I provided a distraction. Seeing how I don't have a weapon, I couldn't really do anything else." I answered. "Speaking of weapons, be a lamb and give me one of your hidden guns so I can protect myself."

Clint and Natasha shared a look.

"How do you know about the guns?" Natasha asked.

"You don't have to be a psychic to know that a spy should always have a backup plan."

Natasha pulled out a gun and handed it to me.

"So you're the psychic I've been hearing about?" Clint asked.

Psych You Out in the EndHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin