Untitled Part 6

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Hello! It has recently come to my attention that not everyone reading this has read Angel in the Apocalypse, where I first mentioned the idea of this book, so not everyone knows my intentions with it. I plan on going through The Avengers to Endgame, but it might take me a while to get there. My brother is getting ready to go to college so I want to spend time with him before he leaves. Updates aren't going to be consistent but they never really were anyway.

Thank you so much for taking interest in this book. I'll leave you with scenes that I showed the readers of Angel in the Apocalypse, and I'll see you in the next update; whenever that may be. 

Future Ideas:

"We're on your side. Hail Happy Burger."

"It's hail Hydra."

"I've heard it both ways."

The Hydra agents did not look amused.

"Well, I can see that you're not currently hiring any new people. Seriously, here's what I think we should do, guys. Gus, run."

"It's like Pavlov's dog, if I don't try to lift the hammer, I am neither worthy or unworthy," I stated, proud that I could remember some sort of psychology.

"That's Schrödinger's cat," Gus said, taking my glory.

"I've heard it both ways."

"What did you see?"

"Oh, it was horrible. I lived in a world with no Gus, and even worse than that, no pineapples."

"Oh you know, I was looking for the Winter Soldier and the spirits told me to go here. So here I am."

"And you called Cap and told him."

"I plead the Third."

"The Third Amendment is 'no soldier can live in your house against your will'. You mean the Fifth."

"Yeah, I've heard it both ways."

"So because I didn't side with you, you're taking your gift back. Who are you? A temperamental girlfriend who's mad because we've had our first fight?" (Y/n) to Tony

Tony walked away without another word. I gave a lip smack at his actions.

"You made that suit for me! No take backsies!"

"You're acting like a child, (y/n)." Natasha said.

"I am not acting!" I said and stomped my foot.

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