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After dropping Steve off at the apartments, Gus and I continued our tour of D.C. The next place we were going to visit was the Washington Monument. Gus, being the nerd he was, was excited to see any bit of history that he could. I was not amused by this.

"Dude, if you had told me we would do nothing but stare at a giant white pointy thing, obviously I would've said no," I complained.

"That's exactly what I told you."

"And what did I say?" I asked.

"You said no."

"Then why am I here?"

"Because you're easily distracted."

"What?" I asked incredulously. "When it comes to mental focus, I'm sharper..."

Gus pulled out a Snickers bar and handed it to me.

"Ooh. Thanks, man. I was starved."

When I looked up from the chocolate, I noticed that Gus had left me behind. I lip-smacked to myself before catching up with Gus.

"You know when they say these things really satisfy, they are not lying."

Gus walked around, gathering all the useless information while I walked around and enjoyed my snack. After some time into our walk, a guy noticed us and came towards us.

"First I meet Steve Rogers, now I meet you." He spoke up.

"Hello." I greeted the man. "I'm (Y/n) Spencer and this is my associate, Lavender Gooms. You may know us as Psych Woman and Magic Head."

With one hand, I put a finger to my head and with the other, I grabbed Gus' head like I was a claw machine. Gus slapped my hand away from him. Gus was genuinely being no fun.

"I'm Burton Guster," Gus said as he offered the man a handshake.

"Sam Wilson." The man said while shaking Gus' hand. "I hate to rush after just meeting you but I've got a session I need to get to."

"Session?" I asked.

"I help counsel veterans with PTSD. You guys can come by if you'd like." Sam offered.

"Thanks for the offer. We might take it up sometime." Gus appeased.

Sam walked away, leaving Gus and I. I lolled my head over to look at Gus.

With as much boredom as I could show, I asked, "Is that going to be our next stop?"

"You think I'm going to a stranger about my problems? If I needed any counseling, I'd ask your mom." Gus said.

I stopped walking, taken aback.

"Was that supposed to be some sort of joke?"

"(Y/n), you do remember that your mother is a police psychologist right? As in, helps police after critical incidents."

"Right, right. The whole Yin Yang thing."

"I'd much rather ask for her help than air it all out in front of people I don't know," Gus said. "Besides, I'd much rather have some one on one time with your mom than some guy I just met."

"That better had been a joke."

Gus laughed at his own joke.

"Need I remind you about your sister?" I asked.

Just like that, Gus' smug look disappeared.

"I still can't believe you slept with my sister."

"One: we were just experimenting. Two: there wasn't much sleeping going on."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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