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Tony POV

Once we returned to the helicarrier, a group of guards came to escort Loki to his cell. Without meeting with Fury, I put on my suit and exited the helicarrier. I was going to catch the two who broke into Stark Tower.

"Jarvis, pull up security camera footage and find out where those two went," I spoke.

"Of course, sir."

Before I could fly away, Fury stepped out and greeted me.

"Something more important than the threat of world domination, Stark?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes underneath my helmet. Stupid spies and their need to know everything.

"Someone broke into Stark Tower," I told him.

The look in his one eye told me that that was not an excuse.

"They knew about Loki's plan. They also knew about us getting attacked by Thor." I said.

"Who are they?"

"No idea. They broke into my tower, telling me that Loki wanted to be captured. Said that was all a part of his plan." I said. "I was going to go get them and question them."

Fury nodded his head before heading back inside the helicarrier.

"When you find them, bring them here." He spoke. "I'd like to question them as well."

"Sir, I have a match," Jarvis said.

"On my way."

With that, I flew off.

(Y/n) POV

I made Gus stop at a nice restaurant with outdoor seating. I was really hungry, and it was a nice day today so why not eat outdoors. Gus, of course, complained. Something about how we were running from Stark's guards and we shouldn't be out in the open. As soon as we were seated, a waitress came over.

"Hi, what can I get you?" She asked.

"I would like some orange juice along with some sliced pineapple," I said. "And my partner, Trapezius Milkington, would like to see something in a Belgian waffle."

The woman looked a little confused before deciding to walk away. I looked over at Gus, who seemed very annoyed.

"What did I do?" I asked.

His response was a lip smack and an eye roll.

It wasn't long before our food arrived. My pineapple slices looked sweet and Gus' waffle looked... Belgian. I had my fork in hand, ready to finally taste the savory goodness that only a pineapple can offer when I heard some thrusters. I turned towards the noise and saw that Iron Man had landed near our table.

"Dang it," I whispered.

"What? Didn't think that Tony would come looking for us? Or did you think that he wouldn't be able to find us out in the open?" Gus sassed.

"Neither." I sighed. "I'm not gonna be able to eat my pineapple slices."

Heavy footsteps made their way over to Gus and me. Suddenly, we were both pulled up by our shirt collars. Everyone in the restaurant pulled out their phones, excited to be this close to Ironman.

"You two have a lot of explaining to do," Stark told us.

"Gussy, we've got some splainin' to do." My mouth said before my brain could stop it.

Our waitress came back to see what was going on at our table. Not only did she want to get her money, but she probably wanted to use this chance to meet Tony Stark.

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