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Dressed in our new SHIELD 'uniforms', Gus and I were led to a conference room where the rest of the team, minus Tony, were waiting. Everyone's head turned towards us.

"Hello. My name is (Y/n) Spencer and this is my partner Ghee Buttersnaps." I spoke.

"My name is Burton Guster." Gus corrected.

"Steve Rogers."


"Doctor Bruce Banner."

"That's Thor," Steve said and pointed to a blonde man that didn't seem to be paying attention.

With introductions done, Gus and I sat down at the table. Interestingly enough, the chairs allowed you to spin.

"So you're a psychic detective?" Bruce asked.

"That's right," I said while pushing off the table, making my chair spin.

"You must have worked on some interesting cases," Bruce said politely.

It was easy to tell that he didn't believe in psychics, but I decided to humor him anyway.

"Oh, you have no idea. There was one case that involved a guy that turned into a werewolf." I told him.

"It was the doctor of a guy who had trouble seeing the difference between reality and fantasy. He switched out the man's medicine with tranquilizers and made him believe that he was going around killing people as a werewolf." Gus corrected.

"There was one that involved a poltergeist haunting a sorority house."

"It was the best friend of a girl who died while being hazed by the girls in the sorority," Gus explained.

"Another case involved a ghost trying to kill a man. Said ghost also had a crush on Gussy here."

Gus looked at me and lip smacked.

"The guy had multiple personalities and didn't know it. The female personality wanted to get gender reassignment surgery, but the very aggressive male personality killed anyone who agreed to do it."

"Ooooh!" I exclaimed while stopping my chair from spinning. "How about that one case with the vampires?"

"You know good and well that those 'vampires' were Lassiter's wife and her brother. Her brother needed O- blood, so they killed and drained the blood from people with that blood type." Gus explained.

"Your friend was married to this woman and didn't know that she was a killer?" Steve asked.

"What? No. They got married after she was released from prison." I answered before turning to Gus. "Oh, Gus, note to self, remember to send Lassie and Marlow's kid a birthday present."

"You can't give me your note to self. It's a note to yourself." Gus argued.

"Wait a minute, they have a kid?" Steve asked us.

"Yep, had her in the back of our food truck," I answered

"Food truck?" Natasha spoke up for the first time since our greetings.

"Gus and I ran a food truck for a case. We didn't really have a lot of customers. Guess people didn't like our ice cream jerky or our pork tarts." I said with a shrug.

"Sounds like you two led very interesting lives," Bruce said.

"You can say that again." Gus agreed.

"There was never a dull moment at Psych," I said.

Everyone stopped talking when a monitor turned on and showed Fury and Loki entering the cell room.

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