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I raised my hand as if I was waiting for the teacher to call my name.

"Yes, Ms. Spencer?" Patchy asked.

"Do you happen to have any footage of when Loki stole the cube? If so, can Gus and I take a look at it? Maybe see if the spirits have anything to say about it." I asked.

"Follow me," was his only response.

Patchy led us into what seemed to be SHIELD's security room. He punched in some codes and a video popped onto the computer screen.

"This was taken the day that Loki took the Tesseract," Patchy explained. "Should these spirits tell you anything about Loki or Agent Barton, you report to me. Understood?"

Barton must've been the name of their missing agent.

"Aye, aye, captain." I mocked the Spongebob intro.

Fury glared at me before leaving Gus and me alone.

"Why must you annoy the head of a secret government agency? He could kill us and no one would know." Gus said.

"Gus, don't be a paranoid schizophrenic," I said as I sat down in front of the computer. "Someone would notice. Lassie would..."

Gus cut me off with a lip smack.

"My father..."

Another lip smack.

"Your parents would notice that you went missing, and that would mean that I went missing too. Now sit down and let's watch this footage."

Gus sat next to me and, just because he felt like being a jerk, snatched the mouse out of my hand. He hastily started the video before I could have the satisfaction of taking it back.

The video began with Patchy entering the room where the cube was being studied.

"Talk to me, doctor." Fury said.

I tried to take the mouse away from Gus so I could skip forward in the video. He reacted by snatching the mouse beyond my reach.

"Just let me speed this up," I said. "I can't analyze Loki if Loki isn't there yet."

Gus ignored me and kept the mouse away. This time, I gave him a lip smack. I looked down at the computer's keyboard and pressed the arrows, causing the video to jump ahead. After sticking my tongue out at Gus, I turned my attention back to the video.

A lot of talking happened before Loki made his appearance and what an appearance it was. There was a beam of light, suddenly a portal appeared, and out comes Loki with Gandalf's staff in hand, looking nothing like he did now. He looked pale, sickly, and weak.

"Sir, please put down the spear." Fury spoke up.

Without a word, Loki fired at the trio. Lots of fighting happened before Loki grabbed Barton.

"You have heart." He said as he pointed the scepter at Barton.

Barton's eyes blackened before turning blue, the same blue as the Tesseract.

Fury tried to leave with the Tesseract, but Loki noticed him.

"Please don't." He called out. "I still need that."

"This doesn't have to get any messier." Fury said.

"Of course it does. I've come too far for anything else." Loki said. "I am Loki of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose."

The way he phrased that caught my attention. He could have used a word that would make it sound like this was gifted to him, but he chose burdened. I made sure to store that information for later.

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