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All of us made our way to the walkway of the stool. I take a peek of the hat, it looks creepy in my eyes.

I feel my heart beat race as soon as I hear it speak. I've never saw a talking hat like that. Never.

The hat quiet down when Professor McGonagall begun to speak. "Before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words."

Dumbledore stood up on his chair.

"I have a few start of terms to say. First years please note that the Forbidden forest is strictly forbidden for all students. Also, our care taker Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you that the third floor corridor on the right side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die in the most painful way. Thank you." Dumbledore said. All of them took it as a consideration, while me.. I don't.

I don't like having such boundaries. Boundaries are for babies only. I'm a rule breaker. I have different perspective in life. As for me, rules are made to be broken not to be followed.
Rebel? We'll sort of.

"Once I call your name, you will come forth and the sorting hat will place you on your house." Professor Mcgonagall said at once.

The professor read the role of parchment paper in her hands. "Hermione Granger."

I saw Hermione whispers something to herself before sitting on the chair.
Professor McGonagall place the sorting hat on her head.

"Ahh right, hmm yes. Better be... GRYFFINDOR!" The sorting hat hissed. A cheer from the crowd fulfill wthe whole room. Hermione run towards the Gryffindor's table. I saw my brother Matthew in their. My brother's a Gryffindor, not that bad.

"Draco Malfoy." McGonagall called out. Draco walk out to the front and sit down on the stool. But before the sorting hat place on his Head, it announced his house.

"SLYTHERIN!" Another loud cheer from the crowd. Malfoy smirk as he look at me before joining the other Slytherin.

Time pass by and the other students has been sorted, including Harry and Ron. Both of them are in Gryffindor.

"Y/N Amadeous." I took a deep breaths before sitting down the chair. As McGonagall put the hat in my head,I began to mock something inside my head. Not Slytherin please, anything will do just don't put me on Slytherin.

"Not Slytherin you say? Why not? You have the courage to be a Slytherin. Cunning and ambitious but also brave like a Gryffindor. Hard, really hard. Well I know.... SLYTHERIN!"

My jaw dropped.

I can't be! I immediately stood up and face McGonagall.

"Professor McGonagall,I think the sorting hat put me in the wrong house." I whispered.

"The sorting hat never came up wrong. There's a huge reason why you're a Slytherin Ms. Amadeous. Now go and Join your fellow students." She said as she guides me down.

As I sit to the Slytherin table, all of them welcome me. Expect for one Person. Draco. Ignorant boy.

"Let the feast, begin!" Dumbledore announce. A lot of food came out of the table.

On the other hand, I saw Harry and Ron eating cheerfully on the next table. Ron was holding a two chicken legs, both hands to be exact.

"Checking out your stupid Friends are you?" Draco spoke out of nowhere.

"That's none of your business anymore." I muttered. I give him a fake smile then I continue to eat.

"Hi." A girl greated me. She have a short dark hair with bangs. She's really cute. I assume she's also a newbie just like me.

"Hey " I greated back.

"I'm Pansy. Pansy Parkinson. You are?"

"Oh, I'm Y/N. Y/N Amadeous. Nice to meet you Pansy." I smiled.

I guess being a Slytherin isn't that bad after all.

"Are you somehow related to Matthew Amadeous?" Pansy asked. I look at her and chew my food before I answer.

"Yes, he's my brother. Older brother."She nodded and continue to eat.

I noticed that Harry and Ron keep checking me out, I bid a wave to them. They did the same thing as well.

"How can you be so nice to them while you're being so mean to me?" Malfoy asked. I raised my left eyebrows to him.

"I am not being mean. I'm just trying to knock some sense to your big bulp head." I heard him groan.

A few more minutes, the head boy of Slytherin took as all in our Dorms. The Slytherin common room is actually pretty good looking. The designs and other color parchment on the wall makes it more prettier.

I'm now here in my bed in the girls Dormitory. Skittles is beside me. I can't sleep. My mind is off to something.

I miss my home.

I let a loud sigh before I decided to put  Skittles back to her cage. I lay my body down to the soft bed. I close my eyes as I imagine my parents, laying beside me.

THE YEARS BETWEEN US[DRACO × READER] (ON HOLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora