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Lucy looked annoyed when Aquarius started laughing. This wasn't a laughing matter..this was serious damn it!

"Not funny!" She growls making the latter laugh more. Oh to her this was hilarious. The brat finally knows what it was like to be a mermaid so Aquarius can take what she can have.

She grabs a cup of water(sea-salt like the one in the ocean) and made Lucy drink it "here drink this. Its good for you!" She held back laughter as the blonde finished the whole thing.

"It was sea-salt Lucy!" Aquarius burst into laughter "You dumbass" Lucy's eyes widened then twitch. Damn it..Aquarius tricked her again. Then again it did taste good.

Lucy lips turned into a smirk "Sea-salt was delicious" She burps licking her lips with satisfaction. Aquarius expression turns into a scowl, with her plans failed.

"Hmp!" She turned her head away from the blonde "Who ask your opinion? I want to see my boyfriend instead of you" She gave a grumpy expression towards the blonde.

"This one has a child, so who you calling a child" Lucy jokingly teases back. Aquarius face darkened "I get you for this little brat. This I promise you! Also tell Nashi that I said my regards" before disappearing.

Lucy gave a soft laugh of approval. She had finally managed to outsmart her former water spirit. Wait till she tells Nashi this!

This gotta be good!

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