Truth comes out

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"Whats wrong Lucy?" Ezra ask concern as the two girls were out of the sight where no one could overhear  them.

"Promise me that you wouldn't think of me any less?" Lucy looked anxious like if some secret was holding her and making her feel that way.

"Okay I promise" Lucy sighs before taking a deep breath. "Im a mermaid" She mumbles.

"What?" The redhead couldn't hear that properly. "Im a mermaid" The blonde replied. Lucy waited for a reaction. She open her eyes to see Ezra blank face.

"Your a mermaid" She said blankly and Lucy nods feeling anxious again. "Well thats not something you hear everyday" Lucy looked up suprise.

"Your not mad?" She ask hesitant and Ezra shook her head "Of course not! Your still my friend Lucy! Thanks for telling me! Im honor"

Lucy smiles as the redhead gave her a crushing hug.

"Thanks for accepting me" The blonde whispers feeling tears in her eyes but kept on hugging her.

"Anytime Lucy!"

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