Even a speck of water

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"Hey!" Lucy cries as one of the perverts spray water on her. Nashi turns around with her fist full of flames.

"Wanna go?!" She boomed angrily as the two pigs stare at her with wide eye. "Lets go!" She heard one of them hissed before running back where they came from.

Nashi sighs before turning around and froze. Her mother became a damn mermaid again. She was definitely struggling to hold something.

"Uh oh" She mutters grabbing her mothers waists. She grunted when her mother kept her tail fins back and forward making her wobble.

"Even a single drop of water..really?" Lucy mutters "Unbelievable! How far from the house are we?" She asked.

"Not far just a few minutes and then were home" Nashi was uncomfortable by people's stares on them. She hates the unwanted attention just like her mother.

"Take me to an allyway, I hate when people stares at me" The pink hair girl did exactly what her mom said.

"Are you sure you can do this alone? Im a bit heavy here" The blonde use her free hands to touch her daughters cheek in concern. Nashi could since she has her father strength but asking help wasn't too bad ethier.

"Im fine!" She said quickly avoiding her mothers look. A look that Lucy use on her most of the time. A look that says "I am not convinced".

"If your sure.." She trailed off as Nashi kept dragging her mother towards their apartment.

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