Being compared

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"Well Aquarius is a mermaid. So I wonder if she has it easier" Nashi paused to look at her mom horrified face "what?" She asked.

"Dont compare" She warns with a shudder "Aquarius hates being compare especially to me. One time someone did and oh boy it wasn't pretty"

"Yikes" Nashi cringed for whoever poor soul actually dare to compare the grouchy spirit. "That sucks" She said not sure what to say on the matter anymore.

"But I dont have her keys anymore so I am not sure if she can hears us talking about her" Nashi knew how much Aquarius meant to her mother, even though she can be kinda a bitch.

"But for your sake and mines, she is not" Nashi breath out a sigh.

Seriously how much can you offend Aquarius?!

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