Lets do this

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"But Ezra might not take me seriously through" The blonde bit her lips with anxiety. Sure it's important to let her know but telling her about this? Maybe it was a silly thing to tell her..

"If you dont tell her she might be hurt or angry" Levy points out "That would be even worst"

"Good point. Auntie Ezra would never let this down mom" Nashi went to join them awhile ago seeing that her group of friend had to leave somewhere.

"Your right" Lucy sighs "wish me luck" The other two followed as Lucy found Ezra.

"Hi Lucy" The redhead smiles at the blonde. The said blonde took a shakily breath "I need to tell you something but in private" Ezra nods "Of course. I know a secret place. Come on!" She grabs her hand and lead the way.

"Will mom be okay?" Nashi look worriedly after the two disappear. Levy sigh and ruffled the girls head.

"If I know any better, Ezra will accept her" Levy stated "I know so"

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