Effects of being a mermaid

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Both Lucy and Nashi knew that even outside being a human, there was some changes Lucy had to deal with which was noticable to them, but not anyone else luckily.

1) Lucy perfers salt over regular water

2) Eats seafood/seaweed a lot

3) Her body slightly changed (Lucy was a bit taller, slightly skinner with now enormous boobs)

4) Only becomes mermaid when she touches water

It was minor effects that no one can noticed but only the trio knew the truth. Lucy was half-human, half-mermaid.

"Mommy you look beautiful still" Nashi compliments her mother who was trying on her new sun dress that she recently brought from Magnolia. The sundress was a light blue short dress with a v shaped around her chest area.

"Umm I dont know about this" Lucy felt insecure ever since she became a mermaid which most of the time Aqarius had to snap her out of it "I feel kinda big in this" she gestured herself. Nashi knew she was referring to her boobs.

Yeah while her boobs are now bigger, and yeah while guys paid more attention to her mother to which she just ignore, the dress suits her well. 

"You looked beautiful mommy" she smiles "Dont feel sad" Lucy just gave her child a slight smile "I know what your doing" she picked her child up and snuggled her "Thank you" she spoke softly.

"Your welcome mommy" she hugs her mother just as gently.

Despite the mermaids effects, Nashi still loves her mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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