Chapter Twenty-Three: The Day We Had To Save Ourselves

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Zai's POV-

What the fuck am I looking at?

"There's the flood zone, the landslide zone, the conflagration zone, et cetera. Every disaster and accident you can imagine."

A man clad in a space suit speaks to us, gathering at the entrance of the building that with hold our rescue training. It's Thirteen the space hero! I think to myself, my heart racing with excitement at the sight. He's a gentleman hero who does his best work in rescue situations! I've always wanted to be just like him!

Thirteen sweeps his hand out with excitement, and I'd imagine he was smiling by the tone of his voice, since I can't actually see his face. "I built this facility myself!" he says happily. "I call it the 'Unforeseen Simulation Joint'!"

"YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!" I cry, pumping my fist into the air. "I can't wait to start already!"

The class bursts into laughter at my outburst, even Bakugo had a small smirk on his face. Though as soon as he saw my eyes on him, it quickly vanished. 

"Before we do, I have a few things I need to mention," Thirteen interjects, holding up his hand. "As I'm sure many of you are aware, my quirk is called 'Black Hole'. It can suck in and tear apart anything."

"And you've used it to save tons of people from disasters!" Midoriya chimes in, earning a curt nod from the pro hero.

"Indeed. However, my power could easily be used to kill anything, and anyone. I've no doubt that there are some among you with similar abilities."

"In our super-powered society, the use of quirks is heavily restricted and monitored. It may seem like this system is a stable one. But we must never forget that it takes one wrong move with an uncontrollable quirk for people to die."

He's right, I think to myself with a glance towards my younger sister. Ama's quirk could easily kill a person if she really wanted, not to mention will proper training she could cause a terrible massacre.

As for myself, my quirk could easily drive those who hear my song to insanity, to the point that it seems like torture.

I could even cause a mass genocide with just a few notes.

And it wouldn't necessarily be considered murder either. These people would be willingly killing each other and themselves, especially because my quirk isn't considered brainwashing or hypnotization.

I shouldn't be thinking like this. I shake my head to rid the thoughts from my mind. The last thing I need is to start worrying about that kind of thing.

"During Aizawa's physical fitness test, you came to learn of your own hidden potential. In All Might's battle training, you experienced the danger your quirks can pose to others."

"This class will show you a new perspective. You will learn how to utilize your quirks to save lives. Your powers were not meant to inflict harm, and I hope that you all leave here today with the understanding that you are meant to HELP people. That is all, thank you for listening!"

The entire class bursts into applause as the rescue hero bows towards the class. "So manly!" Kirishima says from beside me, resting a hand on my shoulder. "Now I see why you were so excited!"

I can't help but smile a bit at his words. However, once I look over at the redhead, all I see is a terrified expression on his face. "Kiri? What's wrong?"

I follow his gaze as he points over to behind Aizawa, and I could sense the fear from him and the rest of my classmates. A giant black portal was beginning to open in the center of the USJ, and a crusty ass hand came crawling out of it.

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