Chapter 2: Skinnet I

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"It is with the heaviest of hearts," Wilhurt declared, "that I say these words: Alpha Wolf Worriz is dead." Skinnet's eyes widened with shock when he heard those words. It was the day after the Bear Tribe had been brought into Wylda's Stronghold, and they were standing next to the Pack in the courtyard. The sky was appropriately grey, but no snow was falling. Despite the murmurs of both the Pack and the Bear Tribe, Wilhurt continued speaking. "Worriz went beyond the Barrier last night because Wiz and I saw something unnatural in the forest," he explained. "He refused our help and went alone. And he never returned."

"How do we know he's dead?" Skinnet demanded. "It was just supposed to be a quick reconnaissance mission," Wiz interjected. "The forest isn't even an hour away. He would have been back last night if he were alive."

"But what if he was captured?" Windra asked. Wilhurt shook his head. "Bears don't take prisoners," he growled, looking dangerously at the Bear Tribe. He doesn't think they had anything to do with it, does he? Skinnet thought. During his time at Worriz' side while he had been Alpha Wolf, Skinnet had shared his sentiments about the bears. While he had never seen an Ice Hunter, he trusted Worriz' judgement, and being somewhat of an outcast himself, he understood how the bears felt. "Now hold on a second," Bulkar said, stepping forward. "You're not suggesting we killed him?" Wilhurt's eyes narrowed and he stepped forward as well, dangerously close to Bulkar. "Who else would have?" he demanded. "The spooky make-believe Ice Hunters?"

"The Ice Hunters are real!" shouted the bear fisherman Skinnet recognized as Bungey. "We've seen them!"

"Lies!" Wilhurt roared. "To me, what happened here couldn't be clearer. Our guests here had some more of their people lie in wait. Once the rest of them were safe, they killed our Alpha Wolf to weaken us. Any minute now, they're going to turn on us and kill us, just like they've always tried to do!" Wiz, Wynter and Wrothgar gave their approval, as did some other members of the Pack. Skinnet, Windra and Wonald, however, were silent.

"You know," Bulkar growled, "the way you're talking to us, we might just kill you." Balkar quickly stood between them and pushed his brother back. "Please, Beta Wolf," he said. "We didn't kill your Alpha. None of us have left this place since we arrived." That's not true, Skinnet suddenly realized. He hadn't told anyone yet, but when he had released the other prisoners, he had seen that Lavertus' cell was empty. He had planned on telling Worriz alone, but now, this information would only worsen the bears' image. It couldn't be Lavertus, right? Skinnet wondered. He hadn't spent time with him, but it seemed unlikely. "Besides, Worriz was our ally!" Bulkar shouted. "He was my friend. Of all the wolves we'd kill, do you really think it would be him?" Skinnet nodded, not that Wilhurt was watching. The black wolf shook his head and turned to address the Pack. "How many more of us do they have to kill before we realize that the bears are savages? We should get rid of them all right this instant!"

"No," Windra cut in. "That's not what Worriz would have wanted, even if they did kill him." Wilhurt leaned in to face Windra, their snouts an inch away from each other. "With all due respect, Windra," he began, "what Worriz would have wanted is irrelevant. I'm in charge now."

"Who declared that?" Skinnet challenged. "Was there an election last night right after Worriz disappeared? If so, who voted? I certainly didn't." Wrothgar snarled and reached for his weapon, but Wilhurt stopped him and glowered at Skinnet. "You want an election, Skinnet? Fine. Let's have one. Will you run against me?" he demanded. "Y—Yes," Skinnet managed. I'm no leader, he thought. But this is wrong. Even though Lavertus escaped, he wouldn't kill Worriz. Something's up here, and killing the bears won't solve any of our problems. "I'll run against you." The wolves around them laughed, but Skinnet was resolute. "I'll run for Alpha Wolf of the Pack."

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