Chapter 27: Worriz I

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At first, there was darkness. A cold, black void in which Worriz could just barely hear faint words being spoken. It was like a hazy dream or memory, where he couldn't quite remember what was happening. What he did remember was that the cold was coming from within. Then, there was a feeling of intense heat. A bright, golden light illuminated everything, and the warmth returned. Suddenly, the darkness was no longer as uninviting, and his senses became clearer and sharper. He could feel the hard ground on his back, and he could hear people speaking about him. His nose twitched at the faintest hint of a familiar sulfuric odour, and he felt a hand on his wrist. "He's alive!" he heard someone say. A familiar someone. "He's alive." Skinnet? he wondered. To end the darkness, Worriz opened his eyes and saw the skunk looking at him from above, along with Bulkar and numerous other bears as well. "Great Boreal!" Bulkar exclaimed. "It really worked!"

"Wh—" Worriz began coughing and choking, feeling something in his mouth. "Easy, Worriz," Skinnet said, helping him sit up and taking out what looked like several stacked animal pelts from his mouth. "Take it easy." Groaning, Worriz sat up and blinked several times, getting used to the light. "Where am I?" he croaked. A familiar brown lion stepped forward to answer his question. "The Ice Tower," Lavertus replied. "And I'm glad you're back." Worriz had to clear his throat several times to speak properly. "What's going on? Why are we in the Ice Tower?" Skinnet glanced uncertainly at Lavertus and Bulkar. "Tell me," Worriz urged. What happened to me? Why am I so warm? We're beyond the Barrier, so why am I not cold? "Worriz," Skinnet began hesitantly, "what's the last thing you remember?" Worriz frowned, trying to recall something from before his hazy dream. "We rescued the bears," he answered, glancing at Bulkar. "We brought them south of the Barrier, and then Wulfric left."

"And then?" Skinnet asked. "I think... I think Wilhurt told me that he saw something in the forest just north of the Barrier. So I followed him and —" The memories hit Worriz like a tsunami. He stabbed me, he remembered. Wilhurt, Wiz, Wrothgar and Wynter. They stabbed me and they left me for dead in the snow. They... They killed me. Didn't they? Then how am I alive?

"Worriz?" Skinnet asked again. "Are you alright?" Worriz took a deep breath and swallowed, trying to moisten his throat. "Water," he said. "I need water." Lavertus nodded and went through his pack, quickly finding a skin of water. "Here," he said, handing it to him. Worriz put it to his mouth and drank it all, gulping down the cold water and savouring every drop. "Thanks," he said after he had finished, wiping his mouth. "I remember that Wilhurt betrayed me," he answered finally. "Wilhurt, Wiz, Wrothgar and Wynter ambushed me in the forest. They told me that I was wrong for bringing the bears south of the Barrier, and that they were fixing my mistake. And then they stabbed me. Over and over. And left me in the snow." He lifted his tunic and felt his chest and stomach, but found no wounds. "How am I here?" he demanded. "Why are my injuries gone? What happened after they stabbed me?" Did I die? he wanted to ask, but he didn't dare. "Wilhurt kicked us out," Bulkar replied. "Skinnet forced an election, but Wilhurt won in a landslide before killing my brother and sending us into exile. Even Skinnet." What about Windra? Wonald? And the others? Wilhurt said everyone was onboard, but obviously Skinnet wasn't. What about them? "He wants to make the Pack strong," Skinnet cut in. "That's what he said. He wants them to rival the power of the lions and crocs. He wants to rule the north like a king."

"And Crokenburg?" Worriz asked. "I replied to his letter and invited him to come. I was going to ask him to garrison the Barrier with us. Did he come?" Skinnet shrugged. "We were exiled before that." Worriz was silent for a moment.

"And what about me?" he finally asked. "How am I here, fully healed?" Lavertus took a deep breath before explaining. "Worriz, this may be a lot for you to take in, but here goes: you died. You were dead for a short time. And you were even made into an Ice Hunter." Worriz took in a trembling breath, but kept his composure. That's what I was afraid of, he lamented. "But you saved me?" he asked. "You brought me back? How?" Lavertus pointed at Worriz' chest. "Look closely," he said. Worriz took off his tunic and looked down at the centre of his chest. I'm not even cold, he mused. To his surprise, he could see a faint yellowish glow emanating from his chest, seemingly the source of his warmth. "What... what is this?" he asked. "Something called Goldfire," the lion responded. "It has the power to revive the dead, and apparently cure Ice Hunters too. You attacked the group, but we captured you and used this to bring you back."

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