Chapter 35: Crooler V

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"If you're going to kill us, you're dying too!" Rinona shouted as she smashed through the wooden door to Grizzam's office. She was immediately blocked by the bookcase Crooler had tipped over, stalling the burly rhinoceros for a few more moments. In the corner of Grizzam's office, Crooler had curled up in a ball, her head in the space where the walls met and the rest of her body shielded by her gown. I trust you, Reegull, she thought desperately. Don't let me down. "You bitch!" she heard Rinona roar just before a massive boom rang out from below. Tightening her grip around herself, Crooler felt a wave of heat pass over her and the rest of the basilica, its force slamming her head into the wall and knocking her out cold.

"Your Grace," Reegull said, bowing his head respectfully as Crooler walked inside. "Well, Reegull? I remain curious about the new dress you've made for me," she said. She eyed the red and gold gown crucified on the wall behind Reegull. "You see, Your Grace," the hybrid began, "during my brief time at the Great Library, I made some rather exciting discoveries. As a mental exercise, I often think of things everyone takes for granted but are actually quite counterintuitive, and then try to find the explanation." He hobbled over to the gown and took it off the wall, bringing towards one of the cluttered tables in his workshop. "For example, haven't you ever wondered how phoenixes wear clothes?" he asked. Crooler opened her mouth to answer before hesitating and closing it. "I... I suppose I haven't," she admitted, "but now that you mention it, it is rather interesting."

"That's what I thought too," Reegull replied. "So after some research about the Phoenix Tribe, I discovered that their garments are fireproof. All of the material they use in their clothes and armour are fire resistant, to the point where even when they give off an explosion's worth of heat, they remain fully clothed." He looked meaningfully at the gown, and suddenly, Crooler found herself appreciating the red and gold gown a lot more. "So you made this to be fireproof?" she asked, walking over and feeling it. "It feels the same as any other gown. But I suppose that's why it covers my arms and legs?" Reegull shook his head. "Not quite. Unfortunately, I'm not quite at the stage where I can replicate the process to render garments fireproof, but I'm quite close. I don't think I'll be able to do so before whatever happens in the city happens." Crooler nodded, thinking about the uprisings that had begun, no doubt sown by Razcal. It's only a matter of time, she thought. The faster we plan, the better.

"After some digging, both metaphorical and physical, I retrieved this garment from a deceased phoenix and cleaned it up. This will serve you well, Your Grace." For a moment, Crooler was disgusted by the idea of wearing a corpse's clothes, but the thought of Razcal on the throne was enough to supersede that. "I see," Crooler said. "And you said this relates to your plan involving Razar?"

"Crokenburg's attack on the Citadel gave me some ideas," he answered. "What if we were to use their bellow plants?" Everything fell into place as Crooler understood why Reegull had exhumed a gown. "I get it," she murmured. "Get Razcal, Rinona, and anyone else who believes in my guilt in once place, and blow them all to Cavora. I'll need this dress, because if I'm not there, they may not gather."

"Precisely," Reegull agreed. "They'd assume you wouldn't risk your own life." Crooler smirked and glanced at the gown again. They'd be right, to an extent, she mused. "Rawzom already proved his loyalty to me by slaughtering the upstart Lennox and his troops," Crooler began, "so I can't imagine Razar will stray too far from his predecessor's actions. Bellow plants may be native to the Swamplands, but I'm sure the ravens have a large enough stockpile to cause a significant explosion." Reegull nodded, lighting a candle. "Shall we test the gown, just to be safe?"

"Of course," Crooler replied. "Why take the risk?" She leaned in as Reegull placed the lit candle underneath one the gown's sleeves. Sure enough, it didn't blacken or wither at all. "Your Grace, if you'll stand back," he warned. "A more extensive test should be done as well." Crooler backed away as Reegull once again pinned the gown to the wall before taking a piece of parchment and dousing it in oil. He wrapped it around the handle of a nearby broom and set it alight with a firestarter, producing a burst of orange flame that warmed the room. "Would you like to try?" he asked, offering the broom to her. Crooler took it and placed the flames on the gown, and she grinned with delight when the fire still had no effect. "Perfect," she lauded, handing the torch back to the hybrid, who quickly put it out. "Thank you, Your Grace," he responded, bowing his head. "Now, all that remains, assuming Razar cooperates, is to find the perfect location."

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