Chapter 14: Crooler II

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There were people gathered outside the walls of the palace. Crooler was watching them from the observatory, looking down from above with a paradoxical mixture of anger and disinterest. Why should I care about what sheep think of me? she asked herself. It's not like I've ever cared. At least, that's what I told Cragger... But on the other hand, how dare they? I'm their queen! Even though I took power illegitimately, Cragger's gone now, so I'd be queen anyway. She sighed in frustration, shaking her head. But why is Cragger gone? Unable to muster a satisfying answer, Crooler shifted her focus back to what was outside her palace. She could see a gathering of lions, crocodiles, ravens, rhinoceroses and even some eagles outside the walls, shouting and yelling loudly. She could barely make out what they were saying, but the words "murderess", "killer" and "whore" were the ones repeated the most frequently. Scoffing angrily, Crooler left the window and moved further into the observatory, trying to block out the sounds of the people below. This wasn't happening before, Crooler realized, thinking back to what she had been doing while Cragger had taken the majority of her forces to the Swamplands. The people were acting normal, she recalled. They stayed in the city, and I stayed here, in the palace. Sure, Rinona was annoying, but there wasn't anything that happened. So what set them off? Why do they suddenly think I killed Father? Not able to drown out the cries of anger with her own thoughts, Crooler decided to head back downstairs, where at least she wouldn't be able to see the people. She left the observatory and began walking down the stairs, but as she headed down the steps, she ran into Razcal.

"Oh, Your Grace!" he exclaimed. "I was just on my way to see you," he said. "I take it you've seen the people outside?"

"I have," Crooler answered suspiciously. I don't trust him, she thought. He may have been instrumental in my ascent to the throne, but that doesn't mean he's really my ally. I can't be sure that any of them are. "Did you monitor Grizzam as I asked?"

"Yes, Your Grace," Razcal answered, "but I'm afraid I couldn't do much. His basilica is about finished, and he has the support of many of the civilians. I fear this is his doing." Crooler's eyes narrowed and she grabbed him by the shoulders, pushing him against the wall. "You called it a basilica," she snarled angrily. "Not a church. A basilica. That's not a word normal people use." Razcal tried to wiggle free, but Crooler used all of her strength to keep him pinned. "You spoke with Grizzam, didn't you?" she demanded. "Behind my back!"

"No, Your Grace!" he insisted. "Well, not in the way you think. I spoke with him, yes, to get the measure of him! Merely observing him wasn't enough!" Finally, Crooler was overpowered by Razcal, who pushed her away. "Come on, now, Crooler," he said calmly, "I'm the reason you're in this position. Don't you trust me?" Crooler slapped him in the face. "It's 'Your Grace', not 'Crooler'. Understand?" Razcal rubbed his cheek, a rebellious look in his eyes. "Between the two of us, it's just Crooler, isn't it?" Razcal countered. "Who's here to listen to us?"

"That isn't the point, Razcal!" Crooler shouted. "I need to know that you're loyal to me, because I'm starting to not trust you. How do I know you're not behind this?" Razcal shook his head. "Think about it, Your Grace," Razcal began. "What would I have to gain from this? I was involved in the death of Crominus as well, so I'd be executed alongside you if our schemes came to light. I'm on your side, Crooler. I swear it." Sighing, Crooler nodded and continued heading down the stairs, with Razcal behind her.

"Is that all you wanted to tell me?" Crooler asked as they approached the base of the observatory. "That Grizzam is the cause of those protestors outside?"

"Not just that," Razcal said. "Lord Rhigor has died, making Rinona the Lady of the Rhino Tribe." It was about time that Rhigor died, Crooler mused. He's been bedridden as far back as I can remember. But Razcal was right to tell me about this; Rinona's ambition has surely risen. "She's still my First Advisor," Crooler replied, deciding to keep her doubts to herself. I still don't trust this raven, but maybe I can use him. "She won't try anything."

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