Chapter 18: Razcal III

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The tension in the room couldn't be higher. Razcal was inside Grizzam's office, sitting down in front of the gorilla's table. Across from him was Rinona, her arms folded over her chest, glaring at him. On Razcal's left was Grizzam, whose chin was on his hands, deep in thought. "This wasn't part of our agreement," Rinona stated coldly. "I wasn't supposed to lose my position to you." Razcal cracked a smile, aware that his golden flame pin was making the new Lady of the Rhinoceros Tribe jealous. "It wasn't," he agreed, "but I had to improvise. I'd rather Crooler see me as a clear and present danger than someone who was inept at hiding their treasonous plans." Rinona grunted, but whether it had been in approval or in dismissal, Razcal couldn't tell. In truth, this meeting had been a risk. Razcal was well aware that he had told different lies to the two animals sitting next to him, but he had quickly realized that he needed to meet with the two of them to fully disclose his plan. This was his chance to consolidate his alliances before taking power from Crooler. "What exactly did you threaten to divulge?" Grizzam inquired. "That is to say, how did you get Crooler to turn on Rinona so quickly?"

"I told her everything I told you," the raven answered. "Both of you," he added quickly. Hopefully I don't need to go into specifics, he thought. The less these two know about what the other knows, the better. "And she'd rather have my rhinos as enemies than you?" Rinona demanded. "Surely that proves the veracity of his claims," Grizzam interjected. "If the rumours didn't have at least a shred of truth, there'd be no cause for concern. The fact that Crooler reacted the way that she did means that Razcal is telling the truth, at least in part." Razcal nodded at the gorilla. "You see, Rinona? You're being suspicious for nothing. I'm not the villain here; it's Crooler. She killed her father and maybe even her brother, all to take the throne."

"And you think I should take it in her place," Rinona finished for him. "Do I have that right?" Razcal nodded in approval. "Razcal," Grizzam began, "perhaps you could explain the law you spoke of in more detail to us. I'm not entirely clear on how it works."

"I concur," Rinona said, clearly not convinced. "Alright," Razcal replied, clearing his throat.

"According to this law, called the False King Act, if evidence of the current king's illegitimacy comes to light, they are to be immediately arrested and punished accordingly. During that time, the First Advisor steps in to temporarily take control while the news is spread all throughout the land. Along with the news of the ruler's stolen power, all current tribal heads are invited to the Citadel to decide upon a new ruler." Rinona scoffed and banged her fist on the table, causing it to wobble. "There's your hidden agenda," she declared. "You wanted to be made First Advisor so that you'd take control!" You're smart, Razcal thought, but immediately denied the claim. "Only to facilitate your ascension," he insisted. "All I want is for Chima to have the best ruler possible. Clearly, it isn't Crooler. I figured you'd be a better candidate," he told her. "Why isn't Crooler a good candidate?" Grizzam asked. "Not that I endorse her, but if results are all you care about, why does her killing her father matter? What has she done that makes her unfit?" Now, it was Razcal's turn to scoff. "Have you forgotten, Grizzam?" he demanded. "She kicked you out of the Queen's Council, for one. She essentially severed ties with the Cavoran faith! She also foolishly allowed the Citadel to be bombed by Crokenburg, and let's not forget, it was only because of Rinona that she won. I should know, I was in the palace during the attack and I saw the city go up in smoke. It's thanks to you that I'm alive," he said, nodding at Rinona. "Then there's the rampant cronyism she employed in the advisors she did keep. She kept me around to appease me, because she was always afraid I'd leak her secrets, but Reegull? That mad scientist has no business being employed by the queen. And then she appointed her own brother, a teenager with no experience, as her Queensguard and then as the commander of the crocodile army?" Neither Rinona nor Grizzam could argue with him. The best part is that I advised her to do most of that, he mused. Not the part about Cragger, admittedly, but the rest was somewhat my idea.

A Game of Chi Book III: A Sword of DustWhere stories live. Discover now