It's Okay

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He smiles knowing he's the reason she let her guard down, even if it was just a kiss, if it meant nothing she got to relax at his touch, in his arms, in his house, and shirt. "That... was the best kiss I have ever had." She says with her hand in his almost too short to see hair. She backs up some making his head lift off her shoulder their eyes lock. "I want to do that everyday Mer." His voice was soft caring, something she doesn't see from him much. She smiles looking at his icy blue eyes. The hot-head, yelling, need's everything right Cormac had vanished. He's soft, caring, needy. She liked it. "Is that so?" She ask's he rolled his eyes "yeah. It is. I want to wake up to you in my arm's, my bed, my shirt or even nothing. I want to kiss you all day long and show you how important you are to me. You're extremely important to me Mer." She raises an eyebrow "special..." she mumble's teasing him. "You are." He nod's gently pulling her face up to meet his glance "very special." He confirm's. She lean's forward to his shoulder his hand's resting on her lower back and one on her upper back. He feels safe, protecting, it feel's right. She smile's closing her eye's for just one moment soaking in this moment. This moment a moment she doesn't know she'll ever have again. The touch of him, his thumb on her skin, his lip's pressed against her own, the taste of him on her mouth, it's something she need's.

"I need to go home." She whisper's her head still on his shoulder his arm's wrapped protectively around her. "Okay" he pull's his arm's from her back to his side's. His hand's brush against her legs. She take's a deep breath staying in the position she was in. "C-can you just... can you hold me?" Her voice was quiet a whisper almost too soft for him to hear. He smile's wrapping his arm's around her again. "Don't let go." She say's. He nod's "okay." She smile's knowing this will probably never happen again. They are both still drunk from the night before it was a spur of the moment thing surly it would be the first and last time.

"Meredith... I-I-I like this. Waking up to you, holding you." He messes with her hair twirling it on his finger. She chuckle's her breath hitting his neck. "I like it too." She replies hoping he'd ask that one question they both knew they wanted to hear. "Please come with me to dinner... let me take you out." The word's spilling from his lip's quicker than he would have liked. It was like he barley spoke. "What exactly are you asking me?" She question's sitting up so she can look at him. "I'm saying... go home" he's interrupted by Meredith's world pausing giggle. "You kicking me out now? Okay I see how it is." She say's her hand resting on his bare chest right over his heart which she could tell was beating faster than normal. "Not at all. Stay... all day." She shake's her head no. "You didn't let me finish." He pause's. "Go home, hug, kiss your kid's. Shower like you and I both know you want to do and then come out with me." He say's his hand's now resting on her hip's. "Like on a date or as friend's?" She questioned. He sigh's knowing exactly what game she was playing. "Mer" he whine's knowing she want's him to say it. "Will you go out with me?" He ask's. She nod's "it's cold and I only have my dress..." she say's looking at him. "Is that a yes?" He question's trying his best to hide his excitement she nod's. "Take my shirt and I'll give you a hoodie." He say's she smile's "you really are trying to get rid of me." She tease's pushing his shoulder playfully "I'm not I promise." He replies. Cormac quickly stand's up holding Meredith on his hip's as he walk's. Her leg's immediately tightening on his hip's as he spin's. Her hair flows in the air, her laughter echo's throughout room. "Put me down!" She call's as he stop's spinning.

She look's down at his icy blue eye's locking her sage green ones with his.  His eyes are extremely blue just like Derek's were... for a split moment Meredith feel's guilty. She's dated guy's since Derek passed... said I love you, had all her first's if anyone should be guilty it's Cormac. But there's something about him, about his touch, his eye's, his smile, him that make's her miss Derek and what they had. She quickly remind's herself Cormac isn't replacing him and Derek would want her to be happy... is Cormac making her happy? Should she be doing this? Invading his space, his home. She shake's her head lightly as her leg's slide down Cormac dropping to the cold floor. "Meredith." Cormac call's with a concerned look on his face. "You okay?" He ask's his arm's still on her resting now at her hip's. She nod's. "I'm okay" her voice was a whisper. He smile's at her knowing she wasn't and that she had something on her mind. Cormac could read Meredith like his son's favorite child's book. It was easy for him, if she didn't say it which almost alway's was the case he could see it. In her eye's, her body language the way she goes almost cold when something is on her mind. He hate's it, he hate's to see her uneasy.

Not wanting to pry he pull's her to him, her head resting on his chest as he twirl's a strand of her hair around his finger. "C-Cormac." He knew what she was going to say. He knew she was backing out... he knew it was all to fast. "Don't. J-just don't." He replies the hurt in his voice clearly evident even though he tried to hide it. "I-it- I." She stutter's wanting to explain herself however finding no words to do so. Her arm's encircle around his neck as she move's so she can look at his piercing eye's once more.  Her eye's flicker from his lip's to his blue pool's.  His hand slowly running from the back of her neck to her jaw just under her ear. She close's her eye's willing herself to hold back the tear's threatening to fall. The rough yet calming pad of his thumb run's over the silklike texture of her cheek he lean's down quickly pressing his lip's to her's in a chaste kiss. It feel's like a habit, something they had done for year's she open's her eye's as his forehead presses against her's. His eye's are open doing all the talking his lip's are continuously failing at. She sigh's before running her hand up his neck to the back of his head. She pushes him down to her lip's enclosing her lip's with his. The tear's she was holding back like a bitch finally slipped over her eye lid's spilling over her cheek's. He pull's back from the kiss crying as well. "It's okay." He whisper's simply. She nod's as his thumb wipe's a tear. "It's okay"

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