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"I couldn't sleep." She whispers, her breath hitting his neck sending a shock down his spine, causing goosebumps to prickle his skin. "Lemme hold you."

Right as Meredith nods her head that rests on his shoulder the loud beeping of his pager startles both of them. 'Fuck me' is mumbled under Cormac's breath.

Don't get him wrong he loves his job, he loves kids, saving lives, the whole nine yards but in times like this? He wants -needs- a break.

Meredith pulls back from their warm embrace with a smirk "wow... at least take me out on a real date first." She teases. Cormac's chuckle floods her ears as a smile pulls at her own lips. "Hm... is that an order or question?" His voice is playful, teasing much like hers was but she can see the underlying genuine question in his gaze. Will I let him take me out on a real date? With the flowers, the front porch kiss, hand holding, butterfly making, gazing they had previously tried or was she over it?

Her hands descend from his biceps to his forearms, pulling his hands up in front of them as if she was measuring how big his hands were before she interlocks their fingers. "I want nothing more than to go on a date with you Hayes." She whispers looking into his eyes. Her voice is almost bashful, it's quite, anxious he thinks. He can't help but smile. She wants to go on a date... another date. He's dating Meredith grey. The Meredith grey. And no he's not dating her because she is 'the Meredith grey' but because- he's pulled from his thoughts when she squeezes his hand lightly. "Go save a life."

Driving home all Meredith could think about was Cormac's. His hands in here's, his eyes, his smile, his voice. God she lives his voice, how with different emotions is changes, when he's mad he switches to Italian, happy or excited he speaks a little faster, sad he's quite, whispers and that. When he whispers she thinks is her favorite. The deep ness of it, it's rough but in a sexy way. It's late now, she had taken a nap before she left the hospital thinking she may have fallen asleep behind the wheel.

As she turns the knob to the front door and steps inside she is met with silence, and darkness. Meredith doesn't know whether she wants to shower, sleep or eat. Deciding quickly without much thought she walks upstairs into her bedroom then the en-suite bathroom.

The hot water hits her back like a ton of bricks at first. Every drip, every drop feeling like pins and needles as it stings her skin. The water is so hot it feels as if it could melt her away, part of her hopes it does. Shifts like the ones she just had are always hard but losing patients hurts the most. Fighting so hard. Fighting for a person you know is loved beyond words. It hurts. It hurts having to go tell their mom that her only son died, having to tell his wife her husband won't come home for dinner, to tuck the kids in, to kiss her just one last time. Ever since Derek passed she's been more cautious of how she relays that information.

After her hot shower she slips into a black Lacey pair for panties, and the hoodie Cormac gave her when she left his house. She smiles thinking back to that morning. Waking up to him. Well she was already awake but seeing him as one of the first things she saw when she opened her eyes. Him holding her as she straddled his lap. The tickle fight they had. It was good. Damn good and she craves it. She needs it like she needs water, like she needs air to inflate her lungs.

She can't take it anymore, no matter what she does he takes up her mind. Sleeping, eating, talking, walking, fucking breathing reminds her of him and it's driving her insane in the most rewarding way possible. Meredith knows he's home now. Bailey definitely wouldn't have made him stay but she also knows he's probably laying in bed trying to sleep... and she doesn't care. She simply doesn't give a fuck.

Picking up her phone she enters her password which happens to be the day of Maggie's wedding. It's not the day of Maggie's wedding because it was Maggie's wedding but because it was when her and Cormac finally did something, they took those first steps and that was special. So 0828 is entered quickly, before she opens her texting and FaceTimes him.

She would text, it would probably be more convenient for the both of them. If he's busy, or one of them needs something but selfishly she wants to see him. Wants to see his azure eyes sparkle as he talks to her, wants to see his smile as they flirt. Because that's what they do. She could and would hell she does call it teasing but they both know it's flirting. After two rings he answers. Like she thought laying in bed.

"Grey" His accent is thick, undertones of sleep laced between excitement and relaxation.

"Hayes" she replies keeping the tone he had used.

"You okay?" Meredith smiles at that. He worries about her and she'll never tell him because if she did he'd probably kick her ass. Yes even her. But it's cute, he's cute.

"Mmm just wanted to see you." She answer honestly to see a smile in response.

"See me huh?" Cormac questions to be met with a nod as she takes him in. He has a dad bod as Zola calls it. But he has a nice dad bod the kind that she wants to touch every inch of. Zola calls that a dilf.

"Ever heard of a DILF?"

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