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"Mmm just wanted to see you." She answer honestly to see a smile in response.

"See me huh?" Cormac questions to be met with a nod as she takes him in. He has a dad bod as Zola calls it. But he has a nice dad bod the kind that she wants to touch every inch of. Zola calls that a dilf.

"Ever heard of a DILF?"

He makes a funny face at that. For a second Meredith gets nervous she crossed a line but then his laugh blows through the speaker of her iphone, and she relaxes.

"Have I ever heard of a dilf? Mer-" he takes a break to breath but ends up laughing more.

"Stop laughing at me!" Her voice is practically a whine.

"Of course I've heard of a dilf, and milf, I live with teenagers." He finally answers only to get the reply of a shaking head, and a roll of her sage eyes from Meredith. Even when she's trying to annoy him she's beautiful. It's a clear night, the moon is bright and it's hitting her perfectly through the window. "Why do you ask?" He pops a question back to her.

"Never mind. I'm going to bed." It's all show, he knows that but why not play along?

"Mmm it is late... I'm gonna sleep too." Silence fills her line, clearly she hadn't expected that. Him to just put in the towel. Give up the fight. It stunned her slightly.

"I wanna see you." She is whispering again like it's a secret, like no one else can know. He chooses not to respond though , instead he nods.

"I wanna know why you brought up dilfs." He counters after a beat. Groaning she moves in her bed so she is laying in her side, her phone propped up so she had both hands.

With a shrug and a deep blush to her cheeks she replies "because" and leaves it at that but of course that's not enough for him. Of course he needs to know the exact reason and that should have been expected she doesn't know why it wasn't for her. She's positive now he knows why.

Because he is a dilf. In every definition of the word. His muscular arms, pecks, but the slight belly he sports, and the bald head. She is normally into men with hair, lots of it. Come on Derek had perfect hair, always had, so didn't most of the men she was... involved with but Cormac's baldness is a turn on. How good he is with kids is a turn in, his smile, how he can hold his ground, how flexible he is -she's willing to bet in more ways than one.

"Not good enough for me grey, I need details or I'm gonna have to go." He's teasing now, flirting. He's flirting we've established this. The way the 'tease' is purely flirting.

"Cor..." there's that whining again. But this time it's his name and it send a bolt of electricity through his veins. She; Meredith Grey just whined his name. He needs to hear it again and preferably when he's there, in front of her.

"Mer..." he copies her tone, his voice sounding and feeling more childish than hers did but he doesn't care.

"Because your a..." he hears it. It's muffled but he hears it and he knows that's what she was getting at.

"I'm what? You broke out there." She'll kill him. She really will. No better yet she'll cut off is dick because he doesn't need it. It's not exactly a necessity, she'll like it sure but not needed.

"You're a dilf okay? You just are."  It comes out faster and louder than she wanted and he can't stop laughing. "Okay I'm hanging up now. Good night." She sings.


She wakes up to a text from Cormac.

Text me when u get up. Need to ask u something.

There is absolutely no way this man stayed up until almost three in the morning thinking about her. Absolutely not.

As she stands from her bed she can hear her kids outside, playing, Ellis on the swings of course, Zola and Bailey playing past and then she hear nothing other than his voice. His rich thick accent.

Meredith quickly slips into black sweatpants through her hair up as she walks down stairs. She is met with an over powering smell of coffee and bacon. She knows for a damn fact no one in her house cooked breakfast. She steps into the hall and before she can go anywhere else she feels hands grasp her hips pulling her back.

"Mmmm good morning." His voice is raspy in her ear, thick and she shivers at the sound of it.

"Morning what're you doing here?" Meredith questions. It's not that she doesn't like this she does. She may even live it but it is a bit confusing right now. She's sleep deprived, yes she slept last night but she hadn't for days and the five hours she got last night just isn't enough.

"Wanted to visit. Missed you" he sways them a little nuzzling his face into her neck from behind and she thinks she falls in love. "You smell good"

Meredith smiles at Cormac's words. Thanks him quietly and politely before her hands find his forearms moving slowly up and down. "Brought coffee, made food. Come eat and then your sisters are taking the kids for a day and I finally get to give you a date, the date you deserve.

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