February - Part III.

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“If no one else has any questions, I’ll see you all next week.” The professor dismisses the class.

Like the rest of my classmates, I collect my things.


I pull my bag onto my shoulders and head towards the door.

“Uh, hello?” Someone tugs on my bag.

I frown and look back.

A guy smiles and rubs the back of his neck. “Sorry, you didn’t hear me the first time.”

“Oh, you were talking to me?”

“Yeah. I was trying to. I’m Bennett.” He stretches his hand out to me.

I stare at it in confusion. “Not to be rude, Bennett, but did you need something from me?”

He awkwardly takes his hand back. “I, uh, wanted to introduce myself. We have a couple of the same classes this semester.”

“We do?”

“Yeah.” His white teeth gleam at me.

He has a nice smile.

“OK. Sorry, I didn’t realize.”

We stare at each other.

I shift my weight to my other foot.

“Well, I’m gonna--”

“Do you want to--”

We force out a laugh.

“Sorry, you go first.” He rubs the back of his neck again.

“I was gonna say that I have to head to my next class.”

“Oh. Could I walk with you?”


"I wanted to keep talking to you, but I didn't want you to be late."

I furrow my brows together. "Look, I'm not interested in dating anyone so I think it's best that you know that now."

"I mean I'd like to, but I wasn't--"

"I'm gonna go. Excuse me." I leave the room.

Thankfully, he doesn't follow me. A part of me feels bad for being so gruff, but the other part knows I'm not interested in anyone. My heart is still recovering and still hopes that he'd…

I sigh and head across campus to my next class' building. Glancing down at my phone, I notice another set of feet fall in place with mine.

I look over out of the corner of my eye to see the guy from earlier.

I stop abruptly.

He keeps walking. My eyes stay trained on his tall frame before I continue walking. I slip my phone in my pockets watching Bennett intensely.

Am I imagining things or is he following me?

But how could he be following me if I’m walking behind him?

We walk into the same building. We both walk up to the same auditorium. He slips into one of the seats located in the middle row. I stand next to the opening confused.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

A part of me thought he’d ignore me, but instead he chuckles.

“I told you we have a few classes together.”

“You’re in this class?” I ask, not really believing the coincidence.

“Would you like to see my schedule?”


I move out of the way of other students trying to find seats. “No, I just...I never noticed you in here before.”

“I know. Which is why I wanted to introduce myself and get to know you.”

I shift my weight to my other foot.

“Are you going to sit down or…?” A girl snaps at me.

“Oh, sorry, I--” I try to move out of her way, but step in front of someone else. “Sorry!” I end up shuffling into the aisle with Bennett.

He moves his bag from the seat next to him to his left side. I narrow my eyes at him and slip into the chair next to his offering. He chuckles again.

I hate that I like his laugh even when it’s at my expense. It’s a nice rumble. It reminds me of thunder that comes before rain.

I unpack my things and prep for new notes.

“How about a do over?”

I wrinkle my nose. “No. I told you, I’m not interested in dating.”

“Are you interested in making friends?”


A grin blooms on his rich face. It’s tempting to smile in response, but I don't want to smile. I don’t want to continue talking to this guy who I keep noticing more and more things about him that attract me.

The professor comes into the room and begins the lecture.

Thankfully, Bennett doesn’t bother me during the whole lecture, but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t distract me. I glance at him out of the corner of my eye.

His brown eyes focus intently on the lecture. They only stray away when he goes to typing things he finds important to jot down. His slender fingers work rapidly on the keys.

He looks cramped in his seat. His wide frame doesn’t fit properly, but it doesn’t look like he’s uncomfortable. Just focused.

He glances over at me and smiles. I quickly look away and scribble something down.

The class isn’t a long one and flies by with constant powerpoint slides. By the time it ends, my body feels stiff. I stretch before packing up.

    “So, I respect that you don’t want a friend.”

    I groan.

    “But, if you ever change your mind, or just want to study, here’s my number.” He holds out a slip of paper.

    I stand to my feet and hoist my bag onto my shoulder.

I could say no.

I could just walk away and be done with Bennett.

But, my fingers grab the sheet before my brain has decided anything officially.


“Just because I took this,” I wave the paper at him,  “doesn’t mean I’ll call you.”

He grins. “I’m satisfied that you even took the paper.”

A ghost of a smile swipes across my face as I stuff the slip into my jeans. “Do we have the next class together?”

He raises an eyebrow. “Why? Want to walk together? I don’t know, Reign. You could be giving me mixed signals about our friendship.”

I scoff as he laughs.

“I just don’t want to feel like you’re following me. And we’re not friends.”

“Whatever you say.”

ReignOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz