March - Part IV.

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Nothing pisses me off more than being hyper aware of someone else. And to top it all off, he knows I notice him now. And he enjoys it.

After my last class of the day that I have with Bennett, I march to the cafe and plop down in a chair at a table with Trish in a huff.

She highlights a section in her notes and flips the page to one of her open textbooks. "Why are you angry?"

"Nothing." I grumble.

She rolls her eyes. "Liar."

I glare in her direction.

She shrugs. "I just call them like I see them. Now, why are you angry?"

I sit up in my chair and fidget. "Can I ask you something and you promise you won't make it more than it really is?"

"Yes?" She draws out.

"There's this...person in a few of my classes and I never noticed them before until they approached me a few weeks back and now, I can't unnotice them and they know it."

Her eyebrows shoot up.

"Is this person with a Y chromosome?" she asks carefully.

I fold my arms. "Who even asks a question like that? Is that a bio major thing?"

She closes her textbook and focuses on me. "Is that a yes?"

"It's not a big deal. I'm not...I don't want to date anyone."

"Why not?"

I look away. Normally, I would feel the urge to cry just thinking about him, but now, I've been haunted by the dull ache. I don't think I have anymore tears left for him, but doesn't mean my broken heart has mended. I don't want to be hurt like that again.

"It's okay to move on, you know?" She says gently.

"I know." I snap.

She sighs. "Then what is it?"

"I don't want to."

"That's not a legit answer, Ray."

"It is to me, okay? I mean I'm still recovering."

"Are you? Or are you still hoping that he'll come back?"

I take in a sharp breath. "Fuck you."

"I get it, Reign. I know deep down you don't want to acknowledge that some part of you hopes he comes back and apologizes for everything, but he's not."


"You know he has a new girlfriend?"

I chew on the inside of my cheek.

I stand corrected. I still have a few more tears left.

"Why are you trying to hurt me?" I whisper.

"I'm not." She puts her hand on mine. "I'm trying to help you move on, Reign and sometimes that means I have to give you the bitter bad news."

I jerk away from her and avoid looking at her.

"I'm not the enemy."

I swipe away a tear before it falls. "I know."

"So, don't be mad at me."

"I'm not." I let out a heavy breath. "I meant I know he's with someone else."

"You know?"

I laugh bitterly. "I still follow him on social media."

"Oh, Ray. I thought we blocked him."

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