November - Part XII.

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"Alright, let's stop here for today. Have a good break." My professor collects his things and leaves the auditorium.

I start repacking my bag like my peers, ready for the long awaited Thanksgiving break. I told my parents I'd come home this year since I didn't last year.

This year is different. I'm not worried about running into Micah anymore.

I smile to myself.

I can actually acknowledge his distance without wincing which is nice. I can't say I'm completely stoic, but there aren't painful feelings. Just bittersweet.

I stand and glance down at Bennett. He smiles at a classmate as he pulls his backpack strap onto his shoulders.

Now, my heart clenches.

I've been giving him space, but it sucks. I hate living in his absence. His eyes flitter over to me. I quickly dive into the river of students and swim upstream to the exit.

I don't want to see if he does a double take to acknowledge me or if he chose to ignore me. I can't say I'd know how to respond.

My phone chimes in my pocket. I roll my eyes at the caller I.D.


"Reigny? Can you hear me?"

"Yeah, mom, I can hear you." I move out of people's path and stand to the side.

"Yeah? Since when do you 'yeah' your mother?"

"I mean, yes," I say sweetly. "What's up?"

"Are you still coming in tomorrow?"

I hear pans banging in the background.

"Yes, ma'am. I'm going home to pack now." I emphasize the correct affirmation.

"Good. I never know with you. Your brother said he'll be coming too. He's bring his friend, as well."

"You mean his girlfriend? The one he's been dating for two years? That friend?" I tease and swipe a curl from my face.

I can imagine the lack of amusement on her face.

"You know who I'm talking about. Will you be bringing anyone?" She tries to sound indifferent.

"Is this your way of asking if I'm seeing someone?"

"I was referring to Patricia, but are you?"

Sure you were.

"You know she hates being called by her full name. She goes by Trisha."

"Her mother gave her that name for a reason. Like I named you Reign and your brother, Ayodele. I honestly don't understand why she hates it. It's a nice name."

I roll my eyes. "To you, mom."

"Anyways, I noticed you danced around my earlier question, but I won't press the issue. Just know you're not slick."

I laugh. "I hear you. I'll call you when I'm on the way."

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you, too, mom. Bye." I end the call.

The halls have cleared up, leaving me with a few stragglers. I tuck my phone in my back pocket and head to the bus stop.

Hopefully, I can convince my dad to let me take the old car back to campus after the break.

The sound of laughter captures my attention. I look over to see Bennett and his friends together. Clara was the one drawing my attention over to them.

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