April - Part V.

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    I snort out a laugh and quickly cover my mouth.

    “Did you just snort?” Trisha laughs.

    “Shut up!” I whine.

    “Oh, that’s just gold! Do it again!”

    I roll my eyes. “You’re annoying.”

    “But you love it.”

    “But you love it,” I say in a slightly higher voice.

    She shoves me. “Alright, divide and conquer. You grab your test books and I’ll grab mine and we’ll meet at check out.”

    “You act as if we’re going into battle.”

    “Shopping for exams is a battle. Now, get to moving, soldier.” She slaps my butt. “May God be with you.” She sautes me and scampers off upstairs with the science books.

    I shake my head. She’s so dramatic. I head off to the literature section.

    As I’m searching the rows for my course’s exam booklets, I realize maybe she wasn’t being too dramatic. What happened to just using scantrons?

    “Brown. Brown. Brown.” I move my finger along the shelves. “Ah! Brown.” I reach for the bundle of paper at the same time as someone else.

    “Hey, I saw it...first...Bennett? Of course it’s you.” I grumble.

    “Well, hello to you too, Sunshine.” He grins.

    My scowl flips at the sight of his smile. I hate him for that.

    “Why do you call me ‘Sunshine’?”

    “Because you’re a little ray of Sunshine.” He winks.

    I walked right into that.

“Don’t call me that.”

“It’s either that or ‘My Queen’. It’s up to you. I’m fine with either.” His mouth curls into another smile.

I smack his arm. “You’re intolerable.”

“Aw, don’t be so mean. If I let you get the book, will you be nicer and let me borrow it?”

“There’s another right behind it.” I point out. “We both can get one.”

“But I want to share. Sharing is caring.”

“Why are you a child?” I flick his forehead and grab the book.

“My queen, you’re being extra ruthless today. Did you not have a good time in the mountains with your family over spring break?” He follows behind me.

Ever since that day at the cafe, Bennett and I have spoken more often. Despite me trying to fight it, we actually have developed a nice little friendship. We would study together or hang out with Trisha. He kind of grew on her too.

“I did. How was it at your brother’s?” I ask as I grab another book on my list.

We texted a lot during the break. I learned more about him and his family dynamics. He’s closer to his older brother and went to spend the break with him. He lives locally.

“It was nice. He kept asking me about you.”

My face warms as I avoid eye contact.

“You’re adorable when you blush.” He whispers in my ear.

My heart flutters into my stomach. I punch him in the arm.

“Stop flirting with me.”

“Ow! Jesus, you have an arm on you. I can’t help it, okay? Am I supposed to pretend you’re not attractive?”

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