Back and Different

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Hmm... I'm on something soft. Feels warm.
Wait, if I can feel, that means I'm alive. Huh, I honestly didn't think I would live.
So, is Abby alive? I would be over the moon if she was.
Wait a second... I hear a beeping noise... Umm... am I in the hospital? Uh, okay, body, wake up. Come on.
I could hear the beeping of the machine get faster, seconds later an alarm started echoing in my room.
At first, I could hear nothing but the alarm, but then the alarm sound melted away into nothingness, like I was drifting away into an endless void of some kind.
Then it was like hitting a brick wall. I felt like I flew into something with a slam noise, then-
My eyes opened. Revealing three sets of eyes on me.
"Uh... Hi."
"Ah. He's made it. Joanne, go call the parents and inform them of the situation. John, stay with me. We have to test the amount of magic still left in him."
"Right doctor."
"Go get the attachable wings, just in case."
"Yes, Doctor."
Hello, Elmo. I am Doctor Valem. Don't be worried. You are in the fairy realm after you absorbed a large amount of fairy magic. If you would have gone back to earth, you could have basically torn the world apart."
"Oh geez. Sounds terrible."
"Quite the opposite. It's incredible how you absorbed so much magic. And yet you're still alive. Not normal."
"What happened?"
"You happened. You saved one of my other patients. Abby Cadabby."
"So she's alive?"
"She is. But I must inform you, she isn't quite herself yet. Her mom will be in later, I'll let her determine what else to tell you."
"At least she's alive."
"You did a wonderful thing, young man. I mean it was stupid, but you did a wonderful thing."
"I found the wings, Doctor."
"Bring 'em here, John."
I slowly sat up as the nurse returned to the doctor's side. In his hand, there was a set of nearly see through wings.
"What's that?"
"We have to put these on you. They are enchanted and will keep you from falling through the ground if you are no longer filled of magic."
"Oh. Okay."
"They are just strap ons too. You don't have to have them surgically implanted or anything."
The nurse helped me put them on and then he stepped back.
"Thank you, John. Now, Elmo, I need you to stand up."
"Uh, alright."
Now, normally, being six foot even, I'm use to towering over some, but this time, when I stood up, I felt like my head was even farther from the ground.
"But the doctor was staring at my feet. Underneath them, the ground was rippling, like water after someone dives in.
"Oh my, still strong magic running through him. Interesting. I wonder how long it will take for it to go away."
"Should we try a spell, doctor?"
"Not on him. It could kill him. The magic is keeping him sustained. We need to get him some human food."
"Uh, can I ask you guys something?"
"Sure, Elmo."
"Well, doctor, how tall are you?"
"Five foot seven."
"Last time I checked I was six foot straight."
"You grew, in case you couldn't tell. You are now six foot eight. A side affect of the magic. You grew to the height you'd stop at."
"Oh... will it go down again or am I stuck like this?"
"Uh, well, about a fifty/fifty chance."
"Well Damn. I don't like this height."
"It will honestly take some adjustment for you. Instant growth can be terrible. On your limbs, your muscle, and your brain."
"Yes. Okay, sit down. Here, your mom dropped off your phone and charger. Text them and ask them for some food. You can't have the food we have because of the magic placed into it. We already had to transfer regular medical things from the human hospital."
"Sorry. I-I didnt mean to cause so much grief."
"Well, this place is safer for you instead of a regular hospital. So we have to make due. But, like I said earlier, you did a good thing. Everything this hospital has done for you is worth it."
"Will I get to see Abby while I'm here?"
"No. She's in the psych ward right now with complete and total memory loss."
"Oh no."
"She'll be fine. But the only people who can see her is her direct family. She can't even remember them. But her memory should come back slowly."
"Now sit down and stay there. I'll be back. And please. Call your parents and tell them to bring you food."
I watched the doctor fly out of the room and then grabbed my phone. The screen lit up and I had tons of messages from all my friends. Zoey was the first name I saw and she had an 18 next to her name. So I had 18 texts from her. I had 9 from Rosita, 4 from Baby Bear, and 4 from Telly.
All of them were of them praising me for getting back Abby, how much they miss me or can't wait to see us. Except Zoey. Two of her messages were asking me where I went.
"Damn. I feel bad for walking away from them. Sorry, Zoey. I need to call my parents. Right."
I had my parents' home phone memorized and it didn't even fully ring once.
"Hello? Elmo? Is that you?"
"Hey, momma."
"Oh sweet molasses, I'm so glad to hear you talk again."
"Sorry, momma. I shouldn't have done that to you and dad. I just... I..."
"Don't even worry about it. It could have been a lot worse. Belinda was telling me that it could have killed you. We could have been down Two kids. Thank God we got to keep both. Your father will be home soon, we'll go on and see ya then."
"How would you two get here?"
"Belinda or Russel will bring us. We'll be there later."
"Wait, momma, is there any chance you can bring me some normal food They're trying to get the magic to stop flowing through me-"
"And they lace their food with magic. You bet, hon. We'll be there soon."
Oh boy. Mom sounded excited. I got a back breaking hug coming my way.
"Hmm, I wonder how Abby's doing?"

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