𝑖: Jotaro Kujo Never Goes To Class Early!

641 28 25

March 1989


"Jojo. Jojo! Jotaro!"

Jotaro Kujo dropped his pinwheel in surprise. He looked to his right, meeting the dazzling lavender eyes of his best friend, Noriaki Kakyoin. Or, to put it into better terms, the boy he had been in love with for approximately sixteen months now. "Oh, hi, Nori."

The other male squinted his eyes and peered closer to the Kujo, taking note of the blush that came over his cheeks. He rapped his knuckles twice on the boy's head. "Hello? Anyone home?"

Jotaro smiled and looked back to his bento. "If you want me to apologize, say so."

Noriaki ate a cherry from his own bento box, pointing his chopsticks toward the turquoise-eyed boy. "An apology would be nice, sure; but more than an apology, I want you to tell me what's wrong. I've known you for over a year now, but you feel more distant than ever." He sighed, fiddling with the stud in his left ear. "Look. I know you're distracted; it's very common for people our age. But we've only got a few days left, and you've gotta stay focused!" He looked at Jotaro, who didn't meet his gaze. He poked him. "Are you even paying attention?"

He blinked. "No, I'm just listening to the sound of your voice."

Despite his anger, a small blush made its way along the freckled boy's face. He moved a centimeter away from Jotaro. "You're impossible," he muttered under his breath.

Jotaro glanced at him, his eyes trailing down to the other's bento. The juice that he usually had wasn't there. "Did you even bring something to drink?"

Noriaki looked over, slightly surprised at the sudden change in tone. "I guess I forgot," he said after a few seconds of silence. "I woke up late again." He reached into his bag for a few yen, but Jotaro had already stood up and gone.

When he reached the vending machine, he clutched his chest, feeling his heart going at a million beats per minute. Damn, he thought, hoping that Noriaki wouldn't get suspicious and come find him having a borderline meltdown.

He quickly pulled out a cigarette and lit it, trying to keep a low profile. He carefully put the money in the machine and vended a juice for Noriaki, looking at the small box softly through the glass and imagining the grin on his face. Despite his previous attempts to calm himself down, Jotaro's face only heated up more.

A few minutes passed, and Noriaki began to get suspicious. He went to look for Jotaro but came up empty handed. He scanned the area with Hierophant Green, but the ravenette was nowhere near. He must've gone to the bathroom, then. He saw the juice in the vending machine and got it out, whispering his gratitude and going back to the roof.

Jotaro sat in the bathroom stall, breathing in his cigarette. He knew he shouldn't be smoking—Noriaki got on him all the time for it—but he just really needed to relax, and the nicotine did the job. He squished the cigarette against the wall of the stall and came out of the bathroom five minutes later, walking to where the redhead was.

"There you are, Jojo!" he said when he caught sight of the Kujo. "What took you so long?"

Jotaro shoved his hands in his pockets, seeing that Noriaki already had the juice in his hands. "Nothing," he answered. He sat down next to the smaller male, eating the lunch his mom had prepared the night before. Usually, he only brought sushi and curry or spring rolls, but this morning Holly had packed him something new.

A few minutes passed, then he saw Noriaki staring at him out of the corner of his eye. He swallowed, trying to keep his cool. "Something wrong?" he asked.

The redhead gestured with his chopsticks to the pinwheel Jotaro was holding. "What is that?"

"It's called a pinwheel, Nori. It's basically sushi, but American."

"Could I try a bite?"

Jotaro handed one of the sandwich burritos out to Noriaki. The freckled male reached out with his chopsticks, which made the dark-haired boy smile. "You eat it with your hands, you dumbass. They call it 'finger food' over in America."

He wrinkled his nose. "That seems unsanitary."

He shrugged. "If you won't eat it, I will."

He took the pinwheel, turning it over in his hands. Then he brought it to his lips and took a small bite, chewing tentatively. His cautious face was soon replaced with a wide smile. "This is great!" He swallowed. "What's in it?"

"Ham, cheese, lettuce, and mayo," answered the black-haired boy. Noriaki's praise had made his face grow warm. He needed to get out of here soon, or he was going to spontaneously combust.

Thankfully the bell rang, telling the boys their lunch break had five minutes before it was over. Noriaki stayed sitting with his legs crossed, watching in confusion as a pink-faced Jotaro packed up his lunch. On a typical day, Noriaki was the first one to go to class, with Jotaro trailing not far behind. Clearly, today was not a typical day.

The redheaded male opened his mouth to comment something on the situation, but the Kujo beat him to it. "You coming?"

"But . . . you never go to class early. In fact, I already told our teacher we'd be late."

Jotaro huffed. "Come on."

Noriaki quickly gathered his things and followed the taller male down the stairs to their third-floor classroom.

Six rows of six seats sat evenly spaced in the room. All of the students were eighteen years old or close to it, except for Jotaro and Noriaki. Because they had been absent from school for months, the headmaster had made them repeat their senior year. Jotaro didn't protest, as to be expected, but it made Noriaki angry. The almost nineteen-year-old sat in his seat, which was directly in front of Jotaro's. He messed with his hair with his right hand and took notes with his left.

All the note-taking gave him an idea. He wrote "I have an idea" in the margin of his notebook and gently tore the piece of paper out. Then, he waited until the teacher wasn't looking and passed the note behind him.

Jotaro replied within thirty seconds, tapping the redhead's calf to get his attention. Noriaki slyly and carefully extended Hierophant Green and brought the note up.


He has nice handwriting for such a blunt guy.

He wrote on a different piece of paper:

"We should study at your house instead of doing nothing. I know you need the extra time (•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)"

He passed it back to the Kujo, hearing a soft "Good grief," from behind him.

The paper came back about twenty seconds later.

"Let's ask Holly after class today"

He smiled, folding the note in half and sticking it in the pocket of his notebook. He turned to look out the window and saw Jotaro looking at him out of the corner of his eye. The smile widened slightly and the feeling of a shoe digging into his calf returned.


A/N: as promised, i have double posted. these chapters will probably be a thousand words or more, depending on how i decide to officially write this in the future. thank you for reading! <3

Word Count: 1237

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