𝑥: Wanna Go To The Beach?

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The sunlight was bright and the air chilly as Jotaro and Noriaki sat out on the veranda. The redhead still wasn't very familiar with the metal utensils the Kujos sometimes used, but from observing the taller boy next to him, he was soon able to figure it out.

For a while, all that could be heard were the birds singing about the last snowfall before springtime. Jotaro kept his eyes on the zen garden twenty-something feet away from them; the water sparkled, a perfect deep blue. He smiled and looked at the redhead beside him. Their eyes met and he quickly looked away.

Noriaki smiled. "What is it, Jojo? You're suspiciously quiet this morning."

"Just thinkin', as usual," he responded.

The cherry-haired male held his head in his hands. "Can I get a glimpse into the great mind of Jotaro Kujo?"

He looked at the other boy. "Well, if you really wanna know, I'm thinking about you."

"What about me?"

He reached his hand out, twirling the red hair noodle around his fingers. "Everything. You've got a lot for me to ponder."

Noriaki found himself blushing at the gesture. "That's a good thing, right?"

"Yeah." He brought the boy's face closer to his own, noticing how the sweet aroma of syrup lingered in the air. "I'll never get bored with you around."

"Aw, Jojo. You really are just a big softie."

He looked away, blushing. "Only around you."

The lavender-eyed boy glanced for a split second at Jotaro's slightly parted lips. He looked over the rest of the ravenette's face: his dark and angry eyebrows, his hard turquoise eyes that always softened when they looked at him; his curly, ink-black hair that looked perfect no matter how many times it was messed up.

Noriaki turned back to his food, blushing. "You're really attractive, Jojo. Has anyone ever told you that?"

He set his empty plate on the table. "Yeah."

"Wait, who?"


"Oh. Right." He looked over at Jotaro's plate. "You're done already?"

He sat back against the chair, closing his eyes against the sun. "Mm-hm. It's chilly out today, don't you think?"

Maybe it's just me. "Yeah, but it'll get warmer when the summer comes around." An idea popped into his head. "Jojo?"


He pointed his fork in the direction of the ocean. "Would you want to go swimming over the summer with me? We could go to a pool or the beach, whichever one you want."

"The beach?"

"Yeah. If you want to."

Suddenly, Jotaro's mind pictured the redhead shirtless, soaking wet, and slightly tanner. A towel was wrapped around his neck and he held a water bottle in his hand. The ravenette felt his face heat up. "Maybe."

Noriaki smiled and poked the taller male. It's not just me. "You're blushing again, Jojo."

"Oh, am I?"

He squeezed his cheek. "Yup. What's on your mind to make your face so red?"

He pulled his hat down, only to realize it had been stolen by the redhead. "Good grief. It's nothing."

"Oh, come on, Jojo. It's gotta be something. You only blush like that when you're thinking about something you shouldn't."

"You want the truth?" He nodded and Jotaro huffed. "Well, if you must know, I was thinking about you and me at the beach."

Noriaki knew there was more, but he wouldn't ask directly. "Ah, gotcha. Was it just us, or were there other people?"

"Just us."

He hummed and grabbed both his and Jotaro's plates. "Alright, then. Well, I'm gonna go inside. I should probably call my mom and ask when I should be back."

Jotaro nodded and didn't protest. But as Noriaki stood up and turned away, Star Platinum wrapped its arms around the boy's small waist and squeezed. "Ora."

"He wants you to stay," he translated.

The redhead blushed and let Hierophant's ribbons tangle around Jotaro in response. He walked inside the house and disappeared from view.

While Noriaki was on the phone with Fumiko, Jotaro stayed outside, his eyes closed. He let his mind wander, listening to the soft pattering of the fountain and feeling the gentle restriction of the redhead's Stand on his body. He relaxed and felt truly and completely at peace for the first time in a while. He knew nobody was going to come and try to kill him, and he knew his family was safe from enemies. He had managed to not only keep his friendship with Noriaki alive, but help it bloom into something more. He felt safe with Hierophant wrapped around him and calm out in the sun, thinking about the ocean.

"Look at this, Jojo!"

"It's a conch shell. Try and see if you can hear the ocean in it."

The redhead pressed the shell to his ear and Jotaro watched a childlike glee spread over his face. "I can hear it! Here, try!"

The taller male placed the shell near his ear and listened. Sure enough, the tranquil sound of the water rushing along the sand could be heard clearly. He handed the shell back.

"Do you think they sell them at the gift shop?" Noriaki asked before Jotaro could open his mouth.

He chuckled, running a hand through his inky-black hair. "Probably. It wouldn't be a gift shop without one."

"Come on, Jojo, let's go see!"

He didn't know how much time had passed before he heard a familiar voice in his ear. "Jojo," it whispered. "Are you asleep?"

He opened his eyes and saw Noriaki out of the corner of his eye. "Hi, Nori." He rubbed his face. "Nah, I'm not asleep. Just thinkin'."

The redhead sat next to him, smiling. "Thinking about the ocean?"

"How did you know?"

He shrugged. "A hunch."

"When does your mom want you home?"

Noriaki hummed. "She said anywhere between now and noon."

"How much time does that give us?"

"Well, it's nine-thirty right now, so we have a couple of hours. She also said she wouldn't mind if I was a little late because of the snow."

Jotaro nodded, picking his hat off of Noriaki's head with Star Platinum. "Reasonable." He placed the cap on his head, adjusting it. "What do you want to do?"

The redhead stretched his arms high above his head, extending his fingers to the sky. "We can go back inside and play video games, if you want." He picked at his shirt. "However, I kind of want to draw you again. And I guess, while I'm here, we can study a bit more."

He wants to draw me again? "You still have your sketchbook?"

"Yeah. Will you pose this time?"

He sighed, feigning annoyance. "Good grief. Only this once."


A/N: new cover because I can't figure out how to move the story along!! I've got it all written out and everything; like I have chapters that are for the future but I cant get them to connect the story now. I even have the last chapter written and I know how to get there ,I just can't write words to make sense. please send help

Word Count: 1189

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