𝑥𝑖: Kinda Like You And Me 🍋

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Jotaro moved from his spot on the floor, stretching his arms out and groaning at the pops that came. "Lemme see."

"Hold on." Noriaki's tongue stuck out in concentration. "Just a minute."

He smiled, reaching for the sketchbook. "You said you were done."

He smacked his hand away lightly. "I said that because I noticed you were starting to stiffen. If I hadn't, you would have been stuck like that for ages."

"Good grief. Can I see now?"

"Not yet, I just need to finish the shading on your arms."

He sighed dramatically. "C'mon, Nori."

"Patience, Jojo."

He pressed his lips together, sitting in silence with the cherry-haired boy. "How about now?" he asked after five minutes.

"Almost . . . done!" Noriaki held up the finished drawing. "Now you can look."

He did so, smiling once again at the picture. "It's better than the last one," he praised.

"You're a good model," he replied, his face warm.

Jotaro gave him his book back, reaching out with a hand. Noriaki looked at him with shining lavender eyes as the larger male held his face. He closed the gap between them with a gentle kiss, placing his sketchbook off to the side where he wouldn't mess with it. He reached up, removing Jotaro's hat and running his hands through the ravenette's soft locks. He moved slightly, wrapping his legs around the larger male and keeping their mouths connected.

Jotaro pulled away for air a moment later, his eyelids half open. "Good grief," he breathed. "I didn't know you could kiss like that."

Noriaki smiled, playing with his black hair. "How was it?"

"Amazing," he said, going in to kiss the redhead's neck.

"Wait, J-Jojo—"

"Hm?" The vibrations of his voice tickled his neck.

"What if Miss Holly walks in on us?"

"She'd knock first. And anyway, I don't think she'd mind."

"If you say so."

Jotaro kissed his neck again, unable to keep his lips off of the smaller male. His skin was so warm, he smelled so nice, and something like a magnet was pulling him closer. He wanted to breathe him in like a boy with his favorite flower.

Noriaki gripped the Kujo's muscular arms, thinking about how it would feel to be pinned by them. That's about when Jotaro kissed the crook of his neck just right. He bit his lip, his chest heaving with every breath.

It wasn't until minutes later that Jotaro finally forced himself to stop, for fear of crossing the line. It had been the one thing he was afraid of since Noriaki came over. Sure, he and the redhead made offensive jokes about each other, but if he went too far with this, there wasn't a remedy. What they had would be damaged permanently.

Noriaki sat there, his body a lot warmer than usual. He had been growing accustomed to the kisses on his neck and upper chest before feeling them abruptly stop. He opened his eyes, looking down at the large male. "Jojo?" he whispered.


Is he unaware? "Um, why'd you stop?"

"Stop what?"

"Kissing me. Could you not hear?"

"You were enjoying it?"


"Oh. I just thought—"

"Don't think about it, Jojo. Anything you do I'll enjoy."

A small but mischievous grin came across his face. "Anything?"

"Well, almost anything. Obviously, I wouldn't enjoy it if you hurt me, which I highly doubt you'd—"

Jotaro's lips were back on his in an instant. For a split second, Noriaki was caught off guard. He closed his eyes and leaned into the kiss, then wrapped his arms around his neck.

The pull toward the freckled male returned as he began kissing at his neck, pulling at his shirt and moving it upward, sliding his hands up and down his waist. Noriaki bit his lip hard, but he couldn't stop himself.

"J-Jotaro . . ."

The gentle sound of his name coaxed him forward. He kept his mouth on his freckled skin, remembering a few minutes ago. It only added to the tugging inside his chest.

Noriaki ran his hands through the ravenette's hair, gently pulling at random intervals. Jotaro kissed all the way up to his face, stopping just before his lips. Then he kissed him again, biting gently at his bottom lip.

Noriaki's breath came in hot gasps when their mouths pulled apart. He looked at Jotaro, who was equally as flustered. "How long have you been waiting for that?" he asked, the question broken up by his lack of air.

"A while," he admitted as he scooted away. "Maybe not that intense, but I was never going to make out with you without you being on board."

"I appreciate that. Was I too much?"

"No. Just right."

He inhaled, finally able to catch his breath. "I'm glad you like me, Jojo."

"Even though I'm an asshole?"

He smiled. "Even so. I feel like you understand me. When nobody else is there, you are. And you know what it's like to be a Stand user, so that's an added bonus."

"Speakin' of Stands, look."

Noriaki looked over to the window, spotting two figures. One was purple with flowy black hair, and the other was green with a white mask over the lower half of its face. They were embracing each other, the green one wrapped tightly around the purple one. He smiled to himself and looked back at Jotaro. "Did you tell him to do that?"

He shook his head, holding the cherry-haired male closer. "They just gravitated to each other. Kinda like you and me."

"You know what they say, Jojo. Stand users attract each other."

"Kinda like you and me."


A/N: welp im officially a senior now guys ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ my first day was today.
honestly can't believe I've made it this far in life
thank you all for reading this story, too. i never imagined it would gain this much traction <3

Word Count: 998

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