18. words of wisdom

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Tom stared at the TV, wide-eyed. He watched replays of Brooklyn walking off stage, the crowd's gasps and boos playing over and over again. 
He listened to ET news talk about the show and the new trending hashtags going around, along with the few fans who got the chance to talk about the whole thing on live TV.

These people paid a lot of money for a show that was supposed to last over an hour, not just for single song revolving around a lie. They were upset, and they had the right to be considering Lea refused to give them their money back. 
But of course, they began blaming Brooklyn for all of it. For the lies, the money, the scam-- everything, even the things she didn't know about. 

He was heartbroken listening to these so-called "fans" bashing Brook for a concert she had promised them in several Instagram and Twitter posts. Listening to the things they called her, all because of something she didn't even want to do in the first place.
Tom was infuriated but mostly worried for her.

He tried reaching her phone multiple times but was constantly sent to voicemail for reasons still unknown to him. 

Minutes go by and Andrea bursts through their apartment door, face pale with panic. 
She lifted her phone up in the air, catching both his and Harrison's attention. "Change the channel right now" She ordered Tom, making him frown.

"No, it's--" He picked up the remote from next to him, wanting to hear what they had to say.

"Trust me, you're gonna want to know about this before everyone else does" She cuts him off, snatching the remote and switching the channel to a popular drama series revolving around celebrities. 

The show was led by young adults around their age, feeding off of drama and petty arguments between big-time celebrities for attention. The most problematic stars know and hate these guys to the core, others know of them and know how quickly these guys can make millions of people turn on one single person. 

Brooklyn had dealt with this show once before, almost costing her her entire career. But, thankfully, the rumors were shut down fairly quickly and she was back in the studio in the matter of days. This time though, they were sure not to let her get away with it.

The two regular hosts appeared on the screen, bright smiles on their faces at the sound of new drama flooding social media. The female host introduced the story, making sure to side with the angry fans to add effect to the whole situation. 
"So, Brooklyn Gray walked out on a show that was literally based off a lie" She turned to her male co-host, who's eyes were wide with fake surprise. "She's refusing to give everyone their money back and no one knows where she is. She just like... disappeared."

"I'll try calling Brook again" Harrison said, pulling his phone out from his back pocket. He quickly dialed their friend's number and held the cell up to his ear, still sort of listening to the TV. 

The male host scoffed and sat back in his chair. "What do you expect from her though? Are we really all that surprised?" He spoke to the girl, a wave of rage hitting Tom suddenly. "All she does is lie."

"These are just two more celebrity wannabes trying to turn everyone against Brooklyn" He spoke through gritted teeth, finally looking up at Andrea who stood behind the couch, watching the show closely.

"Just wait..." Andy told him, locking eyes with the brunette for a split second before they both turned to the screen again.

"Well, now that we know that Nick Foster and Brook Gray's relationship was just another publicity stunt, it leaves a lot of us asking... who's the real mystery heartbreaker behind her more recent songs?" The female hosts questions, looking up at the camera.

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