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Hi!!! It's been forever but hello.

Here's the thing: I can't see if I've been tagged (it doesn't give me a notification anymore for some reason) so if someone tags me I won't know unless I look at that tag book because I'm bored or interested in the person or something. So if you want me to do the tag, commenting my @ usually works!

Anyway, I have been tagged by -Rhona-is-a-reader so here we go :D

1. Name? Kat, Helga, Moo, Not Loki, whatever you wanna call me.

2. Height? 5'7.5 last time I checked.

3. Weight? Lol idk I don't like looking-

4. Age? Between 17 and 1070 years old

5. Online best friend? Anyone I follow. But I talk to kitchen_appliance_59 angeelaylay yourlocalhplover an_acc1dent the most.

6. Online guy best friend? Idk I don't really ask people their gender when I become friends with them so anyone who's a guy and I'm following then that dude.

7. Last hug? I gave my mom a hug for Mother's Day before she went to bed.

8. Crush? sjfdjfls yeah

9. Ever fallen in love? Nah not yet

10. Favorite food? This has been answered before, but kimbap, fried ramen noodles, and cereal.

11. Favorite color? Blue or pink

12. Who texted you last? Depends on the app. On messaging, it's kitchen_appliance_59 (Darcy), on Instagram it's a group chat, and on Whatsapp it's also a group chat so. Idk?

13. Longest relationship? I've been married to Darcy for at least half a year now so probably that one.

14. Battery percentage? 58%

15. Eye color? blue green grey

16. Addiction? Fanfiction. It's a little sad but true.

17. Favorite animals? Elephants, dogs, dolphins, axolotls, and tigers.

18. Favorite singer/band? I have no idea. I mean recently I've been re-listening to Billie Eilish's songs because she has a new album coming out.

19. Ever had a piercing? Nope, and I don't plan to.

20. Ever sang in the shower? Of course. Dear Theodosia, Welcome To The Black Parade, and Arcade are the three main ones.

21. One wish? It's gonna sound cheesy, but world peace lol.

22. Country you live in? USA please send help

23. Best time of your life? Talking to The Bros and the time I went and saw Hamilton in person. It was AWESOME.

24. Pets? Emma (7 year old pitbull/boxer mix), And Peggy (1 year old guinea pig), Spaghetti (1 1/2 month old guinea pig), and Claire Novak/Novella Guineaveire of -state-landia the Soft and Cuddly VIII (1 1/2 month old guinea pig)

25. Plan on getting married? I have no idea? I would probably want to if the person I'm with would want to spend the rest of their life with me. Because that way they can't break up with me. Because I have anxiety that they will leave me. Because I have serious anxiety.

26. First kiss? Never happened lol

27. Insecure? Sometimes but not nearly as much as I used to be.

28. Ever self-harmed? ...that depends on how you define self-harm? I wouldn't really say I have but someone else might.

29. Who do you love? My friends and family.

30. Miss anyone right now? Basically everyone I've ever talked to because I only just got my vaccines and haven't talked to basically anyone in a year+

31. Hair color? Dark brown.

32. Relationship status? Single :) and married

33. Last song listened to? I think it was Washington On Your Side from Hamilton

34. Ever cried yourself to sleep? Yeah :)

35. Biggest fear? Needles.

36. Believe in ghosts? Not really but if someone showed me proof then I wouldn't be really surprised. If there are ghosts then that's frickin awesome.

37. Been depressed? Lol yeah :)

38. Felt lonely? Yup

39. Ever changed clothes in a car? Yep, like all the time when we used to go to the beach. But I haven't lately though.

40. Something you hate? Trump

41. Something you would change about yourself? Idk I guess I would make myself taller and give myself more freckles and sometimes I'm really self conscious about my weight so I might make myself skinnier but idk

42. Opinion on second chances? It depends. If the person did something like 'hey sorry I haven't been the best friend lately at all so can I have a second chance' then sure but if it's like 'hey I cheated on you with 3 other people and then broke up with you and I was a complete douchebag' then no not really. Sorry :/

43. Do you like yourself? Depends on the day. Today I'm indifferent.

44. Sleep with the door open or closed? Closed. Never ever open.

45. Tag 25 people.



I'll tag like 10 how about that.











As always, if you don't want to do the tag, there is absolutely no pressure. I love you all :D

Have a wonderful day :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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