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Ok so I was tagged like a month or two ago but I only JUST saw the notifications so... just ignore the part where it says I need to do this in less than three days because hahaha I didn't do that.

1. I was tagged by donutsanddragons

2. (do it in less than 3 days) NO

3. Ten things about myself

- I am not Loki

- I am in highschool

- I am currently quarantining

- I am pansexual

- I have never dated anyone

- everyone thinks my favorite color is pink but it's actually blue (because I wear a lot of pink and a lot of my things are pink)

- I'm a girl

- I love drawing

- NOBODY in my family knows I write fanfiction

- I love Hamilton and Les Mis

4. Tag 28 people. So here's the thing. I don't know 28 people on Wattpad. If you want to be tagged then DO IT! TAG YOURSELF. Meanwhile I am going to tag kitchen_appliance_59 and NataliePurvis1 because I know nobody. They're cool btw. Follow them.

5. Tell a joke. You now get to hear the only joke I ever tell even though I know like a billion: Once there were two muffins in an oven and one turned to the other and said "wow is it hot in here or is it just me" and the other said "AHH! a talking muffin."

6. Write a spoiler for one of my stories! oh no. guess what you guys, spoiler alert for I'll Love You When I Know You, solangelo kisses. So does Percabeth. And more ships. Wow. Real big spoilers over here.

7. Put the rules in the tag.

THERE YOU HAVE IT. Congrats. You now know some things you didn't know. Or did know. Either one.

I will see you when I get tagged again. Bye!

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