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I was tagged by kitchen_appliance_59 because SHE IS THE BEST!!!

Birthday? February 13! The day before Valentines day. Also it's fun having a birthday on the 13th because then there's a chance of having your birthday on a Friday 13th.

Sexual orientation? Pansexual.

Crush/partner? I am happily single, and I don't actually have any real person crushes at the moment.

Occupation/dream job? When I was little I wanted to be a zookeeper spy artist. Zookeeper by day, spy by night, and artist in my free time. No sleep necessary. I think that was a pretty good dream job, and seeing as I have no idea what I want to be in the future I will stick with that.

Country of residence? America aND I HATE EVERY SECOND OF IT.

Homescreen and lockscreeen?



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Main ship/pairing in fanfic? Solangelo and Destiel (as seen above on my homescreen)

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Main ship/pairing in fanfic? Solangelo and Destiel (as seen above on my homescreen)

Reason to join Wattpad? So my older brother made a really bad fanfiction that was bad on purpose, and put it on here. Then I wanted to read and comment on it but I needed an account for that, so that's why I made the account. That was back in 2017 so I had a completely different account. Then like a year later I got into fanfiction and stuck with that account. Then for THIS account, I wanted to make an account specifically for writing so here it is!

Most important/favorite memory? There's a difference between important and favorite. Most important is probably the entire day after the 2015 election, where Trump won and became president. I was seriously torn up about it and I couldn't function. FAVORITE memory would probably be getting surprised on my birthday with Hamilton tickets and let me tell you: I was CRYING.

Favorite Wattpadian? dsfjdfad i can't choose. I mean... I should probably go with my spouse kitchen_appliance_59 so YOU'RE NOW one of MY FAVORITES!!!

Favorite part of yourself? hhhnnnn I mean... I guess I like my eyes?

Most redeeming quality of yourself? I listen fairly well. If anyone wants to rant then I'll be there idk.

Picture of yourself!!! Ok here we go... get ready... HERE I AM. Man, I fell really nervous posting my face on the internet... I guess here goes nothing...


lol you thought you were getting a real picture of me??? HA, AS IF

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lol you thought you were getting a real picture of me??? HA, AS IF.

Favorite singer + song? Favorite singer is probably Bredon Urie or Taylor Swift, favorite song is... at the moment probably either King of the Clouds (P!ATD) or Waving Through a Window (DEH).

Favorite animal? Elephant. Or tiger. Or dolphin. Or blob fish.

Do you have a pet? What is it? Yes! I have three pets. One dog (who is the most idiotic dog ever but she is the best dog) (actually I take that back. She's a bad dog. Not bad at being a dog but she is a bad dog, she just ate the remainders of my pizza) and two guinea pigs.

Favorite book on Wattpad? I DON'T KNOW. Probably Ghost King Meets Batman by Sparrow-_-2020 but there are so many I don't think I can choose just one.

What do you think of the person who tagged you? I AM MARRIED TO THAT PERSON. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH BEST PERSON ALIVE.

ANGST or FLUFF or SMUT? If I had to choose between them... Angst. Then fluff and way way down there is smut.

Tag 10 people. You got it chief: kitchen_appliance_59^10. hsit I can't do that... um @YOU RIGHT THERE. DO THIS TAG. DO IT OR FEEL THE WRATH OF NOT LOKI.


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