Tried to do lyrics: Welcome to the Black Parade. That failed so Im doing this

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I have been tagged by HailHydra020 so here we go.

1) You have to post the rules. Done!

2) You must say 13 things about yourself and you cannot refuse. Here we go.

- I have two brothers, one older and one younger.

- I first came out as asexual then bisexual, then for a while I thought I was a lesbian (for like, 3 days idk) and then pansexual. Which is where I am right now, and I feel really comfortable with it.

- I am related to Aaron Burr

- My school starts in this Tuesday so I have about two days left of summer vacation.

- Whenever it rains, I will be outside and dancing. No umbrella. Just getting soaked and enjoying the rain.

- When I was younger I took Karate. I was better than my brother (haha in your face bro)

- I am reading Twist and Shout by gabriel and standbyme and I swear I am crying so hard, but it is so good. It's a Supernatural destiel au set in the 60s and it's so frickin beautiful.

- My (in real life, not internet) friends would probably describe me as innocent. Haha yeah they're wrong.

- I am having a really hard time thinking of four more facts. I'm trying not to be cliche for y'all but idk

- HERE'S SOMETHING! I say y'all but I'm not from anywhere that says y'all. And it's not like any of my family or friends say it, I just somehow started saying it.

- I have really loose joints and can trip over anything. But it's good though because it's harder for my ankles to sprain. Also I can touch my elbows behind my back which is apparently not a thing most people can do.

- I have a tiktok, and I have posted like 7 videos so... yeah

- I have been sleeping in my basement (which is most likely haunted btw) for a while because our house doesn't have air conditioning and it's the coldest place. And I really hate sleeping in warm weather.

3) If you don't do this in a week, the person who tagged you has to think of a punishment. Don't worry though, I'm not gonna do anything horrible. It'll be something like go sleep for an hour at least or go get a drink of water. So if you don't want to do the tag then just do something for yourself (that's healthy) and you're good.

4) It has to be a chapter not a comment. Okie dokie

5) You have to nominate 15 people. Fiiiiiiine. I'm very sorry if you get tagged (unless you like getting tagged then you're welcome!!!)

Of course I have to tag kitchen_appliance_59, because you know, married, and ilikepizz4 because she's my child. And she has a really good book you should go read.

h0tpizzarolls because they are also my child. And 

Cloudii-skies and NataliePurvis1 because they're also cool

donutsanddragons and LibbyDarcy because they have both tagged me before, so call it returning the favor.

TimeDoggo because they're a really good follower and idk they're pretty awesome.

HarshiniSarang because they just voted on some of my books and therefore are awesome.

UrsieJOY because they were (besides above^) the last person to follow me. Thanks btw.

ToxotisMarks because I sent them a weird message idk and they responded in a BEAUTIFUL poem. Like, dude. Awesome.

Teansre because their name is Potato

seaspawn4ever because they're also a good follower and is cool and awesome.

I now need to tag two more people so Amberose1062 and Mothdragon556, you two are the unlucky people!!! Now have fun.


6) The chapter has to have a creative name. Will do! And by the way, the title was going to be so much longer. First it was going to be all the lyrics to Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance but it has to be 80 characters or less. Then it was going to be "I tried to post all the lyrics to Welcome to the Black Parade but that didn't work so I'm doing this instead" and assumed it was short enough because I wasn't about to count all the characters and then edited it down to the title you see now.

Ok thanks for the tag, that took way too long, like at least 30 minutes, but yeah. THANKS!!! See y'all later ily. Byyyeee

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