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So, here's the thing. I was really bored and I saw this tag and decided to tag myself and now here I am. Doing this tag.

1. A book that you loved writing? I loved writing the Avengers and Percy Jackson crossover. It was my first ever fanfic and I loved every second of writing it.

2. Favorite book I've written? I really like the Avengers Percy Jackson crossover and the HP PJO crossover. Probably the HP PJO is better, because I think it's just better writing.

3. Is there a book that I regret writing? The first I'll Love You When I Know You because I could have done better, and the thing is, I wanted to edit it instead of making a completely new copy but there was too much to change. I like the better one though.

4. Approximately, how many times have you deleted a drafted story? There are too many times to count.

5. Favorite part about Wattpad? Everyone is awesome and they're all nerds like me and I feel like I can be myself.

6. What do you use to write? I'm not sure if it's talking about app or device, so I'll answer both. I write using my laptop, and I first write on Google Docs and then copy and paste it over to wattpad. I find it's easier because you don't have to manually save it, it's all automatic. Also, I like the formating better and I can comment on things I want to change, and it's so much easier for me.

7. What is the fandom you typically write about? Percy Jackson and Avengers are pretty much tied.

8. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your writing? 1 being lowest and 10 being highest, I'm assuming. When I started writing I would say... about a 2? But then everyone loved my books so I've gottenmore confident. Now I would say a 7?

9. What app do you use to make your covers? I use both Adobe Spark and Procreate, which is what I use for digital drawings, and is very useful for making covers. Adobe Spark is free, but you do need to log in. Procreate is $10 and then there are no further payments.

10. What is a ship you find easiest to write? I love Solangelo so much, so probably them because I think of them all the time. Also Percabeth.

11. Do you do anything that helps you write? I read other people's fanfictions and make lists of good cliches and bad cliches and then think "if I was writing this, what would I do differently?" and add that to the list as well.

12. Do you have trouble thinking of plots, or is it easy for you? It really just depends on the book. I have some books that are super easy but some that I can't think of anything to write about for 10 months.

13. Do you find it hard to make the characters sound like themselves? I usually find it pretty easy, I just have to switch my mind to think like the character I'm writing about. I do a lot of research on the characters so I think I do a pretty good job, but if someone wants to correct me then please do.

14. Have you ever written smut before, or do you prefer writing fluff? Blegh, I don't really like smut that much. At all. I'm way more into fluff, because it's so cute and adhfafha so adorable. And ew. Smut. Gross. But if you like it then go for it.

15. Favorite part about being an author? Getting to create whatever you want, write whatever comes to mind, and trolling people in comments and engaging with the people who read the fanfics I write.

Tag your 5 favorite authors.

Of course, I'm tagging kitchen_appliance_59, I mean, how could I not. Also NataliePurvis1 and ilikepizz4.

The other two people I will tag do not even know I exist, I'm sure of it.




I love you all, you're my favorites, good bye for now.

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