Chapter Two

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I walked into Zayn’s room as quietly as possible so I didn’t wake anyone else up. Zayn was the only person I could trust that wouldn’t tell anybody about this. “Zayn” I whispered, poking his cheek. “Zayn, wake up. I need to tell you something.” He slowly opened his eyes and stared at me.

“What do you want?” He asked, sticking his head under the pillow.

“I need to talk to you. It’s really important.” He lifted the pillow and looked at his clock. It said 1:47am. He turned around so he wasn’t facing me and pulled the blanket over his head.

“Can’t it wait till the morning?” He groaned.

“I’m not going to be here in the morning.”

I have never seen anyone sit up so fast in my entire life. He ripped his blanket off and stared at me confused. “What are you talking about? What the hell did you do?”

I sighed, trying to find the right words to tell him. “I can’t stay here and pretend to be married to Alli. I’m sick of management telling me what to do, so I have to leave- but just for a little while. You’re the only other person who knows. And you can’t tell anyone else- not even the boys.”

He stared at me with his jaw dropped, not saying anything. “Are you serious?” he asked me, shocked about what I told him. “Niall, you’re insane. Management will find you in a heartbeat. Plus, you can’t just disappear and think people aren’t going to recognize you. This isn’t going to work.”

“Zayn please, you have to trust me on this. I know what I’m doing.”

He clearly wasn’t listening to what I just said. “And how do you expect me to not tell the lads; we tell each other everything. You’re going to be all over the news and magazines and everyone is going to be talking about you. And besides, what’s wrong with Alli? She seems like a nice girl… when she isn’t drunk.” He was definitely awake now.

“Will you just help me? I can’t pull this off on my own and you’re the only other person I can trust with this. Please?” He stared at me for a while, thinking about what to do. After a minute, he sighed and slowly nodded.

“Fine; I’ll help you. But you owe me for this.” Wow, I can’t believe he actually agreed to this.

“Thanks so much, mate. This means a lot.” He smiled and laid back down. “So my flight leaves at 4am and I’m going to Cincinnati, Ohio in the States. There, I’ll buy a phone and send you my new number so we can still keep in touch. And no one’s going to recognize me because I’m going to dye my hair and get contacts. And if you ever need to email or send me anything, make sure you send it to Ben McCarthy.”

At this point, Zayn was already half asleep and probably wasn’t listening to anything. “Just promise me you won’t do anything stupid, okay? Don’t get arrested because then you’ll be in deep shit.”

I laughed and stood up, walking towards his door. “I won’t, I promise.” I walked out of his room, but stopped at the end of the hallway and walked back to his room. “Oh and Zayn, thanks.” Of course, he was snoring and I was basically talking to myself.

“Bye Zayn” I whispered and walked down the hallway to my room, grabbing my bags. I quietly walked to the front door and opened it. I took one last look into the place that I was leaving, not knowing when I would return. “Here goes nothing.” I said. And with that I walked into the hallway and closed the door behind me, leaving behind the life I had.

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