Chapter Four

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I walked out of the store with at least 4 bags filled with new clothes. As soon as I finished unpacking (Which didn’t take very long) I left the complex and headed to the store Carter told me about. I looked around before walking towards the complex. As I was getting to the corner, I felt my phone buzz. I looked and saw a message from Zayn- “hey niall, thanks for the new number. hope everything’s going well over there. be safe and don’t do anything stupid!” I smiled and put the phone back into my pocket. I figured I’d call him when I got back to the complex. Just as I looked up from my phone, someone ran right into me, knocking both of our things on the ground.

“Do you think you can watch where you’re going next time?” I heard a girl’s voice shout at me as I bent down to grab our things.

“I’m sorry.” I mumbled as I grabbed my bags and started picking up her things. I saw two hands right next to mine as she bent down and started picking up her things. I slowly looked up and saw this girl about my age with long black hair and chocolate brown eyes. You could tell she was upset with me by the expression on her face. “I’m sorry” I repeated, only louder this time. I grabbed my bags and we both stood up, looking at each other.

“You already said that” she said sounding less angry, “but it was my fault, too. Sorry I kinda flipped out on you; I’ve just had a bad day.”

“It’s fine. Everybody has a bad day once in a while.” I said, trying to calm her down. She nodded and there was a silent pause, both of us not knowing what to say.

“Umm, I should probably get going before I’m late to work” she said as she started walking past me.

“Wait” I yelled back at her. She stopped and turned around to face me. I walked over to her as she slowly walked towards me. “I’m Ben; what’s your name?”

She stared at me funny, but eventually smiled. “Samantha Clark. But most people call me Sam.” I smiled and held my hand out, waiting for her to shake it.

“Well it was very nice to meet you, Sam. And again, I’m sorry for running into you and knocking all of your things down.” She shook my hand and laughed, finally moving on from me running into her.

“How many times are you going to apologize to me?” I shrugged and smiled back.

“I’m not sure; how many times have I said it?”

“I think so far it’s 3.”

“Wow, I really did say that a lot; sor-” I stopped myself before I said sorry again, but she just laughed at me.

“Can I tell you something important?” She asked, now being serious. Oh God; we’ve only known each other for 5 minutes and she already wants to tell me something.

“Uh, sure; what is it?” She stared at me with a straight face for a second, and then busted out laughing again.

“I don’t think I have ever seen a guy with that many bags of clothes.” I looked down at all of the bags. She had a point; I have never seen any girl with this many bags, let alone a guy with this many.

“Oh yeah; I just moved from London so I need to update my wardrobe.”

“Oh, so you have an Irish accent, you lived in London, and you’re buying clothes to look American. I think you’re a little confused.” She said joking around. We both laughed as she moved her hair away from her face. “Okay, well I better get back to work.” She said after a minute of silence. “I have a lot to do. It was nice meeting you, Ben.”

I smiled. “It was meeting you too, Sam.” She turned around and walked away towards the center of town. I wonder where she worked. “Whatever” I thought to myself. “I’ll never see her again.” When she was finally out of sight, I sighed and started walking back to the complex smiling, unable to forget her amazing smile out of my mind.

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