Chapter Ten

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Sam and I walked into the restaurant and got seated quickly. Our waitress came over and took our drinks down. “Hey, Sam.” The waitress said smiling. “It’s nice to see you back. It’s been a while.”

She smiled and nodded. “I know, Sophie, it’s been forever. It’s great to be here.” Sophie smiled and walked away. I looked across the table and saw Sam smiling.

“You know her?” I asked curiously.

“Yeah; we were friends in high school. Her parents own this restaurant- hence the name ‘Little Sophie’s’. It’s been a while since I’ve seen her.” I nodded and she looked at the table.

“So” I said as she looked up. “Is there anything I should know about you? She stared at me, confused.

“Do you mean like the general information or do you want me to go into detail about my life?”

I smirked and shook my head. “Whatever you want.” She took a deep breath before saying anything.

“Well, I was born here in Cincinnati and lived here my entire life. What about you?” I cleared my throat and told her I was from Ireland. “That’s cool.” She said. “Um, I am 19 years old. You?”

“I’m 19, too.” Her face lit up and smiled.

“Really? When’s your birthday? Mine’s April 17.”

I nodded. “September 13.” Just then Sophie came over with our drinks and took our orders. “So when did you learn that you really like art?”

She took a sip of her drink and put her cup down. “I think I was maybe 12? My teacher caught me drawing during class one day and made me stay after school. She told me that it was really good and I had a lot of potential. I guess I’ve been drawing ever since. What about you? Do you have any hobbies or anything you like doing?”

I had to think about what to say. I think if I tell her I like to sing it might lead into music and it could end bad. “Well I used to play football- or soccer as you would call it- when I was younger.”

She smiled and nodded. “That’s cool. I played soccer in high school; that’s how I’m so close to Carter. He played for the boys’ team and I played for the girls’ team.” Is that how she met him; through sports?

“How exactly did you meet him?” I asked, hoping she would give me an answer.

“Who, Carter?” I nodded. “Well, he was born in Tampa, Florida and moved here when he was about 10. He ended up being in my class and we were friends from then until we graduated.” Oh, so they’ve known each other for a long time.

“What happened after you graduated?”

She shrugged and took another sip of her drink. “I don’t know; we kinda just lost touch. But how do you know Carter?” I put my drink down and looked at her.

“He works at my complex. He was the first person I met here.”

She slowly nodded. “Well that’s nice. Carter’s a really nice guy.” I nodded and she took a quick scan around the restaurant.

“Is everything alright?” I asked.

“Yeah” she said, looking back at me. “I’m just starving.” She looked around quick again and I nodded.

“Same here. I’m so hungry.” A few minutes later our food came and we started eating.

“So random question” she said after a few minutes of silence. “Do you like music?” I stopped eating and looked at her, saying nothing. Why would she ask that question randomly? Did she figure out who I was?

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