Epilogue: Part One

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I was in the kitchen one morning making breakfast when Niall came downstairs. “Hey babe.” I said turning to see him.

“Good morning.” he said as he walked over to me and quickly kissed me. “What’s for breakfast?” Of course he’d ask that question.

“Pancakes. Is that okay with you?” I said joking around. He laughed and nodded.

“That’s fine.” I laughed and went back to cooking as Niall picked up Janessa. “Hello Ness. Good morning.” he said to her in his adorable baby voice.

She giggled as he brought her to the table. “Hi daddy.” I loved the fact that she called him daddy. I looked over my shoulder and saw both of them making faces at each other. Niall loves Janessa more than he loves me. She definitely has him wrapped around her finger.

I shook my head and laughed as I put the pancakes onto a plate. I turned the stove off and brought the plate to the table, where Niall quickly sat Nessa down and grabbed a plate. He grabbed a huge stack of pancakes and started eating while I cut one up for Nessa.

I sat down next to him and sighed. “You know what I was thinking the other day?” I said to him.

“What?” he asked with his mouth full.

“I was thinking that maybe we should start looking for a bigger house.” He stopped eating and stared at me. “I mean yeah,” I continued “it’s nice for now. But what about in the future when we’ll need a bigger house for our family?”

He stared at me for a second, then shrugged and nodded his head. “Alright, I guess we can look into finding a bigger house.” He smiled and started eating again. I stared at him speechless with my mouth slightly open and eyebrows raised. I looked away and sighed.

“Okay, but I think we should find one sooner than later… like within the next few months- just in case something ever happened.” I said, trying to hint him. He swallowed what he was eating and looked at me.

“Why all of a sudden do you want to buy a house? What’s wrong with this one?”

I looked around the kitchen and shrugged. “Nothing; I just think it’s a little small for our family.” He was so oblivious sometimes it’s not even funny.

“Are you trying to say something?” he asked me, clearly confused. I sighed and shook my head, giving up.

“No, it’s fine.” I’ll just try telling him later.

“Sam,” he said, grabbing my hand “What’s bothering you?”

“Nothing; it’s just that my boyfriend’s so oblivious sometimes.” I said joking around.

He stared at me, then smiled. “And what am I so oblivious from?”

I moved my hand away from his and grabbed a piece of Nessa’s pancake, popping it into my mouth. “Oh nothing; I was just telling you that we need a bigger house soon so we can have more room for our family. But since you don’t understand what I’m trying say, then I guess I’ll keep it to myself and buy my own house.” If he didn’t get it this time he will never get it. He thought about that for a second before saying anything.

“Wait, so you’re telling me that you want a bigger house… soon… so we have more room? Do you want a dog?” Oh my God, my boyfriend’s so stupid- even for a blonde.

“Are you freakin’ serious right now?” I said shocked, but laughing at him. He looked at me like I was crazy, but he was being so oblivious. “Never mind; just finish eating so I can clean up.” I said, tired of his stupidity. He sighed and continued eating. I watched him tapping my fingers on the table, figuring that if I stared at him long enough he could figure out what was going on.

We were both silent for a while until Niall dropped his fork and stared right at me. “No way.” he said. “Are you serious?” I just stared at him, wondering if he was thinking the same thing I was thinking.

“Serious about what?” I said, waiting to see what he said. He stared at Janessa, then me, then Janessa again, then looked at me- his eyes stopping at my stomach.

“You’re serious?” Yep, he knew. But I couldn’t tell if he was excited or upset. We’ve never really talked about having kids, especially since we aren’t married and we have Nessa. I smiled and nodded, waiting for him to say if he’s happy. His jaw dropped and stared at me in shock, but then he smiled and laughed. Phew- he wasn’t upset.

“Oh my God!” he screamed as he stood up from his chair and picked me up from mine. I laughed as he spun me around.

“Niall, be careful!” I screamed laughing. He finally put me down. “Do you get what I’m saying now?!” I asked him with the biggest smile on my face.

“Yes!” he said as he hugged me tightly. “When’d you find out?”

“Yesterday; I would’ve told you then but I had to figure out how I was gonna tell you.” No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop smiling. It felt different this time than before. When I found out I was pregnant with Janessa, I was stressed and freaked out. But now, I couldn’t help but be excited about a new baby. Maybe it was the fact that I was with Niall, and he’s just as happy as I am- maybe even happier.

He hugged me again, lifting me off the ground. “Oh my God Niall, seriously! Put me down, I’m pregnant!” It sounded weird for me to be saying that again. He put me down and kissed my forehead.

“So I take it you’re excited, too?” I said. He couldn’t stop smiling either, and that just made me smile more.

“How could I not be? I have you, Nessa, and now a new baby. What more could a lad ask for?” I laughed and looked at Janessa, who stared at both of us confused. Niall walked over to her and picked her up, bringing her over to me.

“Hey sweetheart.” I said holding her. “Did you hear that? You’re going to have new little brother or sister soon.”

She smiled and started clapping, which made me and Niall laugh. “Well, at least she approves.” Niall said laughing. I smiled and looked up at him.

“I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait.” He smiled and gently pressed his lips onto mine, making my heart beat faster and remind me why I love him. He pulled away and stared right into my eyes.

“I can’t wait, either.”

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