Chapter Twenty Eight

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Sam and I landed in Philadelphia around 1:15am and were gone by 1:30am. We got a taxi and tried finding the house- which wasn’t easy when it was pitch black outside. When we finally pulled up to the house, I paid the man while Sam got out with Janessa sleeping in her arms. I grabbed our bags and walked towards the front door while Sam unlocked the door and stepped in. She stopped in the front room and looked around as I walked through the front door. The house was a little old, but was restored so it was updated. There was a huge staircase going up to the second floor and a small hallway leading towards the kitchen. On the left was a sitting area with a sofa and chairs around a coffee table.

Sam turned around and looked at me with her mouth open. I nodded and walked over to her and Janessa, wrapping my arms around her waist. “Welcome home.” I whispered into her ear.

I grabbed our bags and we walked quietly up the stairs, making sure not to wake Nessa up. We walked down a hallway and found a small bedroom right between the bathroom and the master bedroom.

Sam stopped and walked in, looking around. I looked in and saw a bed, dresser, side table, and a small closet. She took one quick look around and slowly laid Nessa down on the center of the bed. I set her bag down next to the bed and sat next to Sam, who was watching to make sure Janessa wouldn’t wake up. After a minute, she stood up and looked at me. “She should be good, but I’ll probably stay in here with her tonight.”

I nodded and grabbed her hands, standing up. She quietly shut the door and walked down the hallway with me into our room. We walked in and looked around. The room had a huge bed, two dressers, a big closet, 2 side tables, and a TV hung up on the wall. She gasped as she walked towards a door and opened it.

“Oh my God, we have our own bathroom?” she asked. I laughed and nodded, wrapping my arms around her from behind and hugging her tightly. “I love it here, Niall.” she said looking at me. “Thank you so much.”

I let go of her and turned to face her. “Thank you? I took you away from your family because of one stupid mistake I made.” I said looking at her puzzled.

She shook her head and sat down on the bed. “It wasn’t a stupid mistake- if you didn’t make it, then I would’ve never met you. That wasn’t a mistake.” She got up and walked over to me, grabbing my hands.

“You’re right- meeting me wasn’t a mistake.” I said joking around. She smiled and looked at the ground, fixing her hair. I lifted her chin up and stared into her gorgeous brown eyes. “I love you, Sam.”

She bit her lip and giggled. “I love you too, Niall.”

After a minute of just staring at each other, I let go of her hands and walked over to our suitcases. I unzipped mine and starting pulling out clothes, putting them in one of the dressers. But I noticed all Sam did was stare at me. “What?” I asked confused. “Is everything alright?”

She tilted her head to the side and leaned against the wall as she kept staring at me. I got up and walked over to where she was standing. I raised one of my eyebrows while she looked at me, until she smirked. “What are you thinking about?” She shook her head and walked towards the bed, but I grabbed her waist and turned her around. Now she was the confused one while I smirked at her.

After messing with her for a minute, I leaned in to kiss her. When our lips met I felt this feeling that I’ve never felt before until I met Sam. She put her hands on my neck when I pulled her closer to me. She grabbed my shirt and stood on her toes, trying to be my height. The next thing I knew she was pressed up against the wall, running her fingers through my hair.


I don’t know what happened, but before I knew it I was pushed against the wall with Niall’s hands around my waist. I wrapped my hands around his neck and started kissing him harder. He picked me up and brought me over to the bed, laying me down and him on top of me.

I pulled him closer as I felt him pulling at my dress. Even though I knew I should’ve stopped, it was almost impossible to. His hands slowly slid under my dress, trying to find the zipper. I pulled away and stared at him. He stopped and his mouth fell open.

“Sorry; if you don’t want to-” but before he could finish I was starting to take off his shirt. He stared at me for a second before smiling. “Sam, are you sure? You don’t have to do this.”

I looked up at him and smiled. “I’m sure.” I started unbuttoning his shirt until he pulled away and took it off himself. He crashed his lips onto mine again, not holding anything back. And that was how our new lives together started.



“Niall!” Sam said laughing as I led her up the stairs covering her eyes. “I swear to God if you make me fall I will kill you.”

I laughed as we got closer to the top. “I won’t. We’re almost there.” Once we made it up the stairs, I spun her around to face the side of the room.

“Can you uncover my eyes now?” she asked sounding anxious.

“One second; don’t open your eyes yet.” I moved her over a little bit before whispering into her ear. “Alright, open them.”

I lifted my hands off of her eyes as she opened them. Her jaw dropped and she gasped when she saw what I did. Ever since we left Cincinnati, she’s been saying she wished she had her art supplies with her. So, I remodeled the attic in our house so it could be her new art studio.

She walked around the studio, looking at everything I had up there. “Did you really do this for me?” she asked, turning around. I nodded and walked towards her.

“Yeah; I knew how much you missed painting, so I had Diane send all of your things here so you could keep painting.”

She smiled and kept looking around, finding all of her paintings and sketches here. She ran over towards one of them. “Oh my God! You had the museum send my heart painting over?” I walked over to the painting and wrapped my arms around her from behind.

“I had both of them send every single picture you drew or painted; it’s all here. So now it’s just like home.” I said, resting my chin on her shoulder. She smiled, looking around at all of her sketches hanging on the walls and paintings sitting on easels. I shoved my hands in my pockets as she walked towards the window, looking at the view.

“Do you like it?” I asked. She turned around and smiled, running towards me to give me a hug.

“It’s perfect. Thank you so much.”

I kissed her forehead and looked down at her. “It’s the least I could do after everything I’ve put you through. I think you deserved it.” She looked straight into my eyes and smiled a little.

“Trust me, I’ve been through way worse than what you think. But I do love this. I can’t wait to start painting again.” She gently pressed her lips to mine, smiling in between kisses.

When we pulled away, I whispered “I love you.”

“I love you too.” she said, smiling. Just then, we heard Janessa call for Sam from downstairs. “I should probably go see what she wants.” Sam said, pulling away from me and walking towards the stairs. I quickly grabbed her wrist, stopping her.

She turned around and looked at me confused. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

“You stay here; I’ll go get Ness.” I smiled as I let go of her wrist.

“Are you sure about that?”

“I’m positive. Stay up here and do what you love- I know you’ve missed it.” I said pointing to a blank canvas.

She smiled and hugged me. “Thank you, Niall. It means a lot.” She pulled away and walked over to the canvas, staring at it and then sitting on the stool in front of it.

I smiled as I turned and walked down the stairs to go get Janessa. I saw her sitting at the kitchen table eating dry cereal when she looked up and smiled at me. “Hey, Ness. What’s wrong?” I picked her up and started making faces at her, making her laugh.

As I was bringing her back upstairs, I realized that this is what true love is like- being with someone who loves you no matter what, and accepting you for who you are really are. And that’s all I’ve really wanted since the beginning.

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