Chapter Twenty One

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            I walked down the sidewalk to meet Sam. We decided to meet at Little Sophie’s so we could talk. The entire walk there I was trying to come up with what to say. I passed by the windows of the restaurant and saw Sam sitting there nervously at a table with a coffee. She was biting her lip, looking down at the table. Even though it was an awkward time for both of us, she still looked cute when she was nervous.

I took a deep breath and walked in, walking towards the table Sam was at. She looked up at me as I was sitting down at I half smiled, trying to make it less awkward. He smiled back and whispered


“Hey.” I said, looking at her. She bit her lip and took a deep breath, neither one of us saying anything.

“Look, Sam” I said, trying to break the awkward silence. She looked up and I could tell she was trying not to cry. “I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have done that last night. It was unnecessary and uncalled for. It was 100% my fault and I can’t tell you how awful I feel about it.”

I saw her face soften a little, but she shook her head. “No, I’m sorry. This is my fault. I shouldn’t have just walked out like that. It was rude of me and I feel so guilty about it.”

Just then, someone walked up to our table and I looked up, seeing Sophie standing there smiling. “Hey, Ben. Can I get you anything to drink?” she asked.

“Umm, Soph?” Sam said. Sophie looked over to Sam and she shook her head. “Now’s not the best time.”

Sophie looked back over to me and realized what was happening. “Oh… okay then. Just let me know if you need anything then.”

I smiled and nodded as she walked away. I looked back at Sam and half smiled, trying to lighten the mood. “But yeah, this is my fault and you have every right to be mad at me.” she said.

I looked at her confused and sat up perfectly straight. “Why would I be mad? You didn’t do anything. I probably would’ve done the same thing if I was in your place.”

She looked at her coffee and bit her lip. “Cause I screwed everything up.” she whispered. I looked at her, a little surprised.

“Wait, you think you screwed everything up?” I asked. She looked up slowly, nodding. I smiled, feeling so much better. “I thought I screwed everything up.”

She shook her head and a could see a smile forming on her lips. “No, it was all me. You don’t need to think you did anything.” I reached over the table and grabbed her hand, taking her by surprise.

“Sam, you didn’t screw anything up. You said you didn’t do that for personal reasons, and I respect that. I really do love you, and the last thing I want to do is ruin our relationship because of something like this. Do you think we could just put this behind us and pretend like it never happened?”

Sam looked out the windows, thinking about something. After a minute, she turned back to me smiling. “I would really like that.” I smiled and moved my  hand, standing up. She got up too and I hugged her, smiling.

“I love you so much” I whispered, holding her close.

“I love you, too.” she said, leaning her head on my chest, her arms around my waist. I hugged her tighter, not caring that we were in public. All that mattered was that she was still mine. I hadn’t lost her.



The past 5 weeks have been pretty busy. Ben and I moved on from what happened and we’re perfectly fine. The art museum gala is coming up in 2 weeks, so I’ve been really busy trying to work everything out with the museum. They said I get to showcase 3 of my designs- which is awesome for me.

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