Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter 22:


            I walked down the hallway as I heard the front door to my flat close. Carter walked in, tossing his keys onto the side table. “Hey Carter.” I said, walking towards the couch to turn on the television.

“Hey Niall.” he said, taking his jacket off.

Ever since I told Carter the truth, it felt as if a weight was lifted off of my shoulders. I didn’t have to worry about hiding my stuff or making sure I didn’t say something to give me away. It was so much easier now because I didn’t have to have my contacts in 24/7 and I could leave my phone anywhere without hoping Zayn wouldn’t call. Zayn was okay with Carter finding out once I told him Carter wouldn’t say anything. They actually exchanged numbers in case Zayn needed to call me and I wouldn’t answer or something.

            I sat down on the couch, grabbing the remote and turning on the television. I flipped through a few channels before I saw some channel doing a story about me. They were talking about how I’ve been gone for so long already and that the band has to continue the tour without me. It kind of hurt to think that I couldn’t go on tour with them, but I knew I was better off staying here for a little while longer.

“They’re still talking about your disappearance?” Carter asked, sitting next to me. I nodded, still watching the story. Now they were showing videos of fans crying because of me not going on tour and they actually had a few do interviews.

“Niall’s my favorite one.” one girl said, sobbing. “I just want him to come back.” She looked into the camera and wiped her eyes. “Niall, if you’re watching this please, please come back. We all miss you so much.”

I turned off the television, feeling incredibly guilty. I couldn’t believe I was the reason all of those girls were crying. “Niall don’t worry about it.” Carter said, sitting up. “Just think about what’ll happen if you go back- you’ll be married Alli ‘Physco’ Johnson.” I half smiled, finding his joke slightly amusing. I told him all about what happened to her, and he came to the conclusion that she was insane.

“I know. I just wish I could be there and not have to act like I’m married to her.” He nodded and we sat in silence for a minute.

“Carter?” I asked, looking at him. He turned his face to see me and nodded. “You’re good with girls, right?”

His eyes widened and looked at me, confused and kind of surprised. “I guess so… is there any particular reason why you want to know?” I took a deep breath and nodded.

“I wanna get something for Sam. You know, something she’d really love. Maybe a ring or something…”

“Okay well first off” he said. “You’ve only known each other for a few months. Are you sure you wanna propose to her?” What was he talking about?

“What are you talking about? I meant like a promise ring- not an engagement ring.”

His body relaxed and he breathed a sigh of relief. “Okay, you scared me for a minute there, Niall.” I chuckled and he cleared his throat. “But that’s really cool that you wanna get her something. I know this guy who owns a jewelry store downtown if you wanna go and see if we can find something.”

I nodded and he stood up, but I stayed sitting down. He looked back and stared at me confused. “What’s up, Niall? Is everything okay?”

I nodded, still sitting. “Yeah; but I think it’s better if you go by yourself.” He looked at me confused. “Cause you know, the jewelry store is right across the street from Sam’s studio and she’d get suspicious if she saw me walk out of there.”

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