Chapter Eighteen

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I grabbed Sam’s hand as she walked across the fountain ledge laughing. She begged me to go to the park because it had snowed the night before and she wanted an idea for a new painting. The only thing was that she wanted to go at dusk and it was freezing out. “How is this supposed to inspire you for a painting?” I asked as I picked her up by the waist, setting her back down on the ground. She shrugged and laughed.

“I guess helps me think; get the creative juices flowing, you know?” I laughed at her statement. I fixed her hat on her head so her ears weren’t showing.

“Well did you find anything that inspires you?”

She looked around and thought about it for a second. “No, not yet.” I sighed, starting to get really cold. “Oh come on.” she whined. It’s not that cold out.” I raised my eyebrows and looked at her.

“That’s because you’re wearing all of these warm things and I’m not.” She laughed at me and looked at what I was wearing.

“It wasn’t my fault you decided to wear sneakers and no hat.”

I looked down to see my sneakers were starting to get wet and looked at her combat boots that looked like they had never even been in the snow. “Well, let’s find an inspiration so we can get the hell out of the cold.” She nodded and grabbed my hand, leading me down the pathway. She stopped at the short bridge that goes over a small pond and looked out. I stood behind her, placing my hands on her waist. “How’s this for inspiration?” I whispered. I could see her starting to smile and nodded.

“This is it.” she said. She turned her head and looked at me, her eyes locking onto mine. “That’s going to be my next painting.”

I smiled and looked out, my chin resting on her shoulder. I have to admit it was going to be an amazing painting. The way the sunset shined on the frozen pond, being able to see the sun through the bare tree branches. I turned and kissed her cheek. “I can’t wait to see it when it’s finished.” She smiled when I saw her shiver. I made a face and chuckled. “Okay, so it’s not that cold out, huh?” She laughed and turned around, moving away from my hands. Instead, she wrapped her arms around my neck while my arms snaked around her waist.

“No, but I know how to fix it.” She smirked while I smiled, getting the hint. I leaned in and kissed her- just a small kiss that made her smile. We pulled away a few seconds later and she smiled while staring in my eyes. “All better.” I smiled and looked at the snow-covered ground.

“You might be, but I’m still freezing.”

She laughed and shook her head. “I thought men were supposed to be the tough ones.” She moved again and she started walking towards the park entrance, our fingers locked together.

“I’m tough! Just not when it comes to being cold.”

She scoffed and nodded. “Whatever makes you happy, Ben.” I looked down at her and laughed, getting lost in her eyes once again. I came out of my daydream when she squeezed my hand tightly.


“I needed you to close your mouth before you started catching flies.”

I scoffed and looked around. “What flies would I be catching at the end of January?”

She playfully slapped my arm and laughed. “You know what I meant! It’s just an expression.” I laughed and nodded as I lightly squeezed her hand, walking back to my complex.


We walked into Ben’s apartment after going to the park and sat at the kitchen counter talking about random things. After our long discussion about cats, music, and painting it was already 9pm. “Hey, where’s your bathroom?” I asked, getting up from my chair.

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