Staring problem

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In speech Liam and Sin talked about the project and how they were going to do it. They each wrote their favorite things such as fav movie,book,music and would trade and memorize and talk about it and why. As they were writing Sin felt someone staring at her, looking up expecting it to be Liam she caught sight of a boy his brown hair was messy but in a " I did this on purpose" kinda way his brown eyes just seemed to be focused on her he was a good looking guy but him staring was starting to get to her . So Sin did the only thing she could think of "staring problem?" She asked rudely the poor boy flushed and looked down satisfied with his reaction Sin looked back to Liam and he was frowning. When class ended Liam and Sin both walked out together when a deep but smooth voice called her name "Sin? That's you right" it was Mr. Mcstarepants she just gave him a blank look "yeah, and you are?" The boy gave her a lopsided grin "I'm Chris, umm I know you don't know me but I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date some time?" His pink cheeks were adorable and she felt kinda bad but before she could even reply Liam replied for her "No. She wouldn't" Liam's face though unreadable was obviously upset about something but Sin just stared at him shocked "who are you to answer for me? Look umm ...."
"Chris" the now red as a tomato boy finished for her "Chris, right, sure we can go out" and before either said another word she took off for her next class but she could feel the burn of Liam's stare on her back Sin didn't understand why he was upset. As she sat in her next class Liam finally walked in he didn't look at Sin and sat down next to her like he did in every class they had but refused to say a word. During the day, even at lunch Liam refused to even look at her always pretending to be reading but since starting school she knew he wasn't. When the last bell of the day went off Sin wanted to talk to him but before she could say a word just like she did earlier in the day he took off not bothering to look back. Sin just sighed as she walked to her car when she got to her apartment she still couldn't get the thought of Liam upset at her out of her mind so she decided to call him since he gave his number to her earlier in the week she decided to call and maybe he could come over to work on the project. After the first few rings she was gunna hang up when he finally answered "hello? Who's this?"
"It's Sin ,I thought I'd call and ask if you wanted to come to my place to work on the project and maybe some other school work" Sin said silently hoping he say yes she waited for his reply "oh. Sin, hmm are your parents cool with it?"
Sin kinda laughed "yeah" we're her only words "okay well just text me the address and I'll be right over" he finally said "okay later" Sin said as she hung up the phone and send him a quick text of the address and which apartment it was. An hour later Liam knocked on her door as she opened it he started talking really fast "look I'm sorry about today and you should go with that guy I don't know why I even replied for you and don't be mad at me" Sin laughed and saw how he was blushing "I forgive you" she chuckled and hugged him. Liam's reaction was a slow one he couldn't process that she was hugging him but he slowly wrapped his strong arms around her "thanks sin" he said lowly she pulled back and smiled "no problem twitch now let's get to work" she said. After two hours of working on school work Liam looked around the apartment "this place is nice, where are your parents? Work?" Sin gave him a small sad smile "no,umm I didn't mention but I don't have parents they recently died. Which is why I moved here" Liam only looked at her with this stare that felt like he was trying to figure her out "I'm sorry sin" he said and he felt compelled to comfort her so he hugged her and held her close Sin was a little shocked by the contact but she got a rush of warmth like she did earlier when they hugged "hey twitch, stop getting all soft on me" they both laughed. After another hour of work not only did they finish but they got work done for the next week as Liam grabbed his back pack he threw it on his shoulder "catch you tomorrow Sin" he gave her a side ways hug walking out he turned and looked at her "I know, it's not my business but be careful with Carl" He said sin laughed "Chris you mean?" He laughed and said "yeah what's his face just since school started we've gotten a lot closer I don't wanna see you hurt" sin smiled and they stood at her apartment door "thick girls don't cry and he seems harmless I'll be fine thanks for looking out for me though" she replied. Saying good bye and closing the door Sin turned around and threw herself on her couch she felt something underneath her she grabbed the leather jacket and realized it was Liam's it smelled like him and sin couldn't help but throw it Around her and fall asleep to the sweet smell that is Liam. The last thought before she completely was lost to sleep was does he really want her to date Chris? and why does she care what Liam thinks?

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