Mama Took Off

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Sitting in Liam's living room with a worn out but decent couch she watched his sister Gabriela play as he made food for her. "gabby don't bother her alright" Liam told his sister a playful smile beside the hard stare he was trying to give her but failed "whatever make me food" she joked at him smiling with her eyes that held so much love for her big brother. As sin watched Liam and gabby's interaction end when he went to check the food she saw her head look up and just stare at her for a quick moment "your pretty" she said then looked down at her coloring book continuing with it. "Sooo gabby, where's your mom?" She finally got the courage to ask where their mother was because she has heard Liam speak of her but has never actually seen the woman. "Oh, mama took off after daddy died" gabby stated to sin as if she should have already known the answer to her own question. "Died" she whispered, mainly to herself but forgetting that children always heard everything. "Yeah died, you know like when we had to flush Goldie down the Toilet died? He was a fish!" She started rambling and sin wanted to chuckle if it wasn't for the topic being death seeing as sin knew much about death especially of parents. Sin finally focused back to gabby who's last words were "but he saved Liam so he could take care of me and mama" she smiled at sin her teeth showing with one missing she stuck her tongue out about to work on her master piece as she called it Liam walked in with mac and cheese and burgers for everyone. They sat in silence for a bit everyone chewing but the only thing chewing was the thoughts running through sins mind,she wanted answers. "Why did your mom leave?" She blurted her face flaming with the shocked face Liam had who only glanced at gabby who only in turn smiled at him. He couldn't blame her innocent mind for not knowing things. "Go watch tv and then you gotta shower cause it's getting late" Liam instructed gabby she nodded and kissed his cheek walking down a small hallway disappearing into a room she assumed was hers. "Well straight to the questions I see" he tried joking but knew the seriousness of the situation "go for it ask away my lady" he told her leaning back and waiting for the questions to come. It was silent sin trying to get her head in check she finally asked the question she asked awhile ago "why did your mom leave?" As soon as the words were out of her mouth you could tell they affected him his eyes glazed over and he stared off into space. "I said I'd tell you so I will" he cleared his throat and sat up straight to look at her "when my dad died... she couldn't handle it she saw me and gabby and saw him she couldn't stand to look at us that's when I started taking care of gabby myself when she finally admitted she wished I had died and not him she grabbed all her things and left not once looking back... We haven't seen her since I work and go to school and have the neighbor watch gabby when she gets out of school" he sighed at the end watching sins reaction go from anger to sadness "how did your dad die?" She asked him "my dad was born into the gang they call themselves "barrio brothers" when he had me he tried to change his ways but the brothers aren't about giving easy goodbyes at first I thought it was fine to act up to be part of a huge family that looked out for each other but I was wrong" Liam stopped and turned away from sin. Liam had not talked about his father since then he continued to talk but refusing to look at Sin. "There was this job I want to say I was 15 that they wanted me to do but I wasn't supposed to tell my dad .. I was just supposed to pick up some cash I didn't know it was almost a million dollars and that I was stealing from a different gang... It was supposed to be me you know that?" He looked at sin with his eyes red and held so much sadness and regret."my dad found out about the job he knew something a kid like me didn't he knew it was a set up. You see my dad wanted out he wanted me out but they thought if I was dead because of an accident with another gang that he would stay. The group of guys showed up only three of them, I took down two I was young but could fight the last guy had knife that's when my dad showed up out of no where" he was going to continue when sin put a hand over his and he could feel the strength she was trying to pour into him she hated seeing him try to blame himself. "The scar on my ribs is where he got me my dad fought him off stabbing him twice in the gut he got up grabbed the money and hid it before walking back to me right when he was kneeling down to me the last guy pulled a gun and shot him in the back then they both died after that, when drew and the other guys showed up they asked me what happened I told them the other crew took the money and killed everyone they believed it and for awhile they left us alone until now when they found out that the other gang didn't take the money" he watched sin waiting for her to run away or be angry that she was involved in his problems. When she said nothing but sat there thinking he spoke up "it's getting late you can stay here if you want my rooms down that little hall" she nodded to what he said when she was walking towards the room she turned around and finally spoke her mind "we're in this together I'm involved now and that's that" that's all she said when she closed the door to the room.

LONGEST chapter ever! Okay so now we know a bit more about Liam:) oh and guys keep voting,commenting and reading. Sorry it took me a couple days to update hopefully the next one will come sooner.

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