I got you

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Liam clung to sin as they both tried to sleep but she turned to face him to look into the eyes of the guy she just admitted she loved. "I'm sorry about gabby but we're gunna get her back okay" sin told him he only nodded in return "let's sleep tomorrow we have a big day" he whispered to her closing his eyes and she did the same

Unknown person whispering "I got you pretty girl, it's gunna be okay now." Gabby didn't understand all she heard were gunshots outside of the room she was being kept in then someone came and got her but she couldn't believe who is was.

"Okay, so are you sure they'll give her back like this?" Sin asked Liam as a group of guys loading guns and putting masks on we're around them. One the guys spoke up "we all know where he's keeping her it's the same place they keep everyone they take, we go in guns blazing get her and you guys hit the road we wear the masks because we're going against our own gang" he turned to Liam and looked him in the eye to make sure he was listening "but we all were loyal to your father we all know he should've took over the gang when drews dad died but when your dad died we expected you to be there but we understood why you left but we still got your back brother" he went and got Liam in that man hug thing and sin just stared she saw how all these men had respect for him. "Thank you boys, and I appreciate you guys doing this I know you guys could get into some shit with the rest of the barrio brothers so thank you." Liam told them he turned to me "stay here we will be back with gabby then we're hitting the road I figured we might run away and visit Texas see your folks I wanna ask them if I can marry their daughter" he smirked that stupid smirk of his and watched as sins eyes Almost fell out of their sockets. He closed her open mouth and looked into her eyes and held her face between his two hands "I'm joking, well maybe" he leaned down and kissed her and sin imagined an explosion of lightning between them she had wanted to do for awhile now. "Go get her" sin told him then Liam and a group of guys turned and left the house each jumping into cars to bring back gabby.


"What do you mean she's gone!" Liam yelled out to Drew who had a gun aimed at his face " I mean 2 people came waltzing in here like they owned the place fired off guns and took her that's why there were so many people when you came we weren't sure if they were going to comeback lucky we did cause you and who ever those guys are showed up expecting it to be just the regular 5 guys" drew laughed he pointed to the door "let's leave this little gun party and go find my money yeah" he told Liam as Liam was walking he wanted to scream out in frustration he still didn't have gabby.
"You are going to take me to where you hid the money and I'll let you go maybe who ever took her isn't going to kill her like I wanted to" drew laughed as they made their way to a car.


Sin jumped when she heard the light knocking on the door, she heard creaking of multiple feet moving behind the door as she inched toward the door as she stood in front of the door the tiny light knocks started again. When a voice had her yanking the door open "gabby!" Sin all but yelled and bent down to grab the little girl. When sin finally paid attention she looked up to see the two people holding hands staring at her she fell back on her butt and stared at them "but!? I don't understand!" She mumbled "where is he?" The person on the left asked. "He went for gabby" sin was going to continue saying when her phone started ringing the familiar tune of Liam's ring tone as she fumbled to slide to answer the phone "Liam where are you! I have gabby and you won't believe who's here!" She rambled but was cut off by deep chuckling that didn't belong to Liam "sin baby, meet us at 7284 rile road you're gunna help us find the money and so help me you play anything funny I'm gunna shoot pretty boy Liam here" he said and she could just imagine the sinister smile he had when he hung up leaving her with an open mouth unable to think. "Sin where's Liam?" Gabby repeated the question "drew took him" and that's when she couldn't hold back the tears the tears she had been wanting to shed for so long for when she was being threatened and was scared, when they took gabby, when Liam told her he loved her she cried. "Baby girl stand up this instant" the person on the left spoke up again "look me in the eye ,gabby here told me about you she just couldn't stop" sin laughed when she heard that "and she said your mama told you.... Gabby what did you tell me pretty girl?" Gabbys eyes sparkled when they spoke to her "thick girls don't cry!" Gabby giggled out "but they do child and let me tell you crying isn't weak it means you care it means you're human" sin nodded at the persons words, wiping at her face she stared straight back at them "let's go get him" sin said with all the determination in her voice she wanted the guy she loved back and safe with her. Gabby smiled and looked up to the person on the the right "daddy? Are you mama and sin gonna go get Liam?"


Okay guys first off ! Let me apologize ! I know it's been awhile but I had a lot of things going on! I graduated! So yeah! And then I'm going to brave new voices which is a huge poetry competition in Atlanta! I'm from Texas so this is a new experience and I'm super happy! It's in July and I've had a lot of performance and comps to get me and my team ready :) but anyways as always leave comments, votes, and even send me messages! To me it's how you show love to me and this book it means a lot -with lots of love NIQUI!!!

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