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"Do any of you recognize the address" sin said repeating the address to Liam's parents. "Rile road huh..... Yeah I know where it is, it's a cemetery." Said Iliana, Liam's mom "it's where he's supposed to be buried.." She said nodding towards her husband who hadn't said much. He just nodded in response before finally sighing "you should know the truth too you're involved now I suppose an explanation is needed." he said looking at sin in the rear view mirror. Sin was trying not to be shocked by how much Liam's father and him looked and talked alike. "My name is Leonardo, I apologize for being rude and not introducing myself earlier I was just shocked that Liam wasn't with you is all" he said, "it's okay sir, I understand" sin told him. Leonardo shook his head and then continued " how much do you know about what happened" he asked sin as they continued driving to the address Drew gave them. "I know you were supposed to be dead protecting Liam and that you hid the money before you died and that liam's mother couldn't take it so she abandoned them." she told them but as soon as she finished her sentence Iliana turned around in her seat "I did not abandon them! I did what I had to do for the man I love and what i thought was right I knew Liam could handle it himself!" Iliana said hands shaking and breathing hard she whispered "I thought I did what was right for all of us" she said tears in her eyes, lifting her head with his fingers beneath her chin and still trying to pay attention to the road Leonardo told her " Mi Amor, I wouldn't have been able to hide and heal for so long without you and we both know Liam was strong enough to take care of little Gabby and Sin is just saying what liam said out of anger you know he loves you"he said  "Sorry love, ill let leo tell you more" she said watching sin smile and give her a small smile still feeling guilty for making Iliana feel guilty. "I did get hurt trying to protect Liam, When they Came and picked up the money and only found liam they Assumed i hid it but because i was dead they would never find it they took liam and left the bodies there the police showed up and started taking the bodies realizing i was Alive they took me to the hospital and then they put me in witness protection to take down the barrio brothers once and for all. I made the mistake of calling my wife and i told her to stay but she couldn't she came and was in hiding with me and we were coming up with plans to get the money i hid and get our kids" he told sin. Then Sin scrunched up her face "then why are we going to a cemetery" she asked "Because thats where I hid it before i went with Leo i grabbed it from where he hid it inside the building then put it inside the coffin he thank god wasn't in but, now i think Drew figured where the money is but he thinks Leo is dead but that the money is inside with the body." she explained to sin. "so you left to help leo get better and help the police with the gang ?" sin questioned just needing one last confirmation "yes" both leo and Iliana said pulling in to someones house she's never seen before. "this house belongs to the police officer that helped me and my wife when we were undercover he busted a lot of the Barrio Brothers business plans because of us so i trust him he's going to watch you and gabby while we go get Liam" leo told Sin. Gabby who had fallen asleep in the car during the car ride woke when sin let out a loud and angry "NO!" looking both of them in the eye. " Lets take gabby inside then we will speak about it" leo said "Im going and thats that!" sin said once more with the voice of finality. With all the loud voices from outside a man came out of the house "peter, my man, ill pick her up later on okay i promise" leo says patting the man on the shoulder like old friends would "Its fine leo after all the help you've given the police force and shown you aren't that kind of man I'd be willing to help a man like you any day" peter says taking gabby and walking into the small but nice looking house. As the door closed leo and Iliana turned to Sin "You can NOT come it is far to dangerous" Iliana said with Leo in the back nodding his head agreeing. "You would do anything for leo and the same goes for you leo you loved each other so much you had to be together! i Love your son too damn much i need to be there with him i need to go get him with you because that boy is the only thing that has made me happy since my parents died so don't you dare deny me this chance to prove to him that its me and him. always" sin huffed out. Leo looked at sin straight in the eye before turning to Iliana "I'd die for her everyday no one knows the love i have for her maybe you and luke have it, true love" he said staring at Iliana like she was the world. "C'mon lets go and get your forever oh, and Sin, call us mom and dad."


Okay first off im SO SO SO SORRRYYY!!!!! I have been slacking on updating like crazy. ive been busy with school I am in college guys so i get busy and I work and ive been struggling with some things so i have doctors appointments because im sick but i promise to try to update more also sorry for all the errors i don't have time to edit. anyways please vote, comment, and keep reading with lots of love NIQUI!!!

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